Hello from a Life Long Fan


Active Member
Just wanted to say hello to everyone on this very interesting site.

My connection to LOTSW is that my Father, who was a Variety Agent (for Actors/Artists etc.) for over 50 years, had a Cousin who worked for the BBC. He called my father way back when in the 70's asking him to put together several minor Actors for a new Comedy series that the BBC had just commissioned, and my life long association with the show started.

Dad didn't provide any of the major Actors, Bill, Peter or Michael but he did handle many of the lesser players and Actors who appeared in only one or more episode from time to time. I wont mention any names directly for professional etiquette etc., but it did mean that someone from the agency was in attendance from time to time.

This association meant that I visited the various sites when they were filming to make sure that our Artists were happy and well looked after etc., and that we were able to provide everything that the BBC required.

I have many, many memories of my visits and conversations with the various Actors over the years, and I spent literally hundreds of hours with many of them, in-between takes and equipment changes etc. I'm sure everyone realises that Filming is actually extremely boring on the day, as everyone spends most of the day sitting around waiting to do the next scene.

As I am sure that most members know, in between takes Peter used to sit and do his crossword and keep himself very much to himself, whereas Bill would chat happily with the Crew most of the time, he could be cranky at times, but then again, we all can, and some could get a little "precious" occasionally. I never quite took to Brian Wilde to be honest, or he never quite took to me, I'm not sure which. Thora was an absolute darlin, very down to earth, she would talk to anybody, and once she started, you could never shut her up, but it was always well worth listening to, the people she had met, and her career, awesome.!

I had 2 particular favorites which may be a surprise to some members, namely Michael Aldridge, who was a lovely man, and believe it or not Juliette Caplan, who was always chatty and happy and always took time to talk to any spectators who were watching, proving to be totally different to her on screen persona.

One very rare appearance and I cant quite remember the name of the episode was an uncredited appearance (in a Bright Yellow Jacket) of one of dads Variety artists by the name of Mark Stanley, who was one of my Clubland favorites, who had a very unique act where he used to find out the names of colorful local characters and streets, doctors etc. and drop them into his comedy interludes. If any members are local to Yorkshire, they well remember Mark, should have been a big star, but it was before Reality TV.

I could write a book with the amount of stories I can remember, but I'm not a kiss and tell merchant, so I will keep them to myself. Thankyou so much for a wonderful site, really enjoyable.
A MASSIVE welcome my friend !!!...
What an insight !!!....and what an honourable man !!!....I respect you very much for keeping your stories to yourself.
You will feel SO AT HOME here....everyone from every corner of the globe are like minded souls....warm,caring and funny !!!
Our wonderful site cheers us up when we are down...and you are NEVER ALONE.......
A friend is just a click away !!!
The more you post the more you will feel a real sense of " belonging".
Loads of love,
Keith from Liverpool.
I agree with Chris,as on the occasion I went to the set as a spectator, most of the cast would find the time to have a chat, I suppose my biggest fan meets idols was when they were filming the episode Who's looking Sideways at Nelly ,as I was a background artist with my brother in law in the pub scenes, we could use the base camp facilities at lunch time, After loading our plates with food we were told we had to use the 2nd converted coach to eat our meals on,as the 1st coach was for the main actors, I sat at a table closely followed by Frank Thornton, Bert Kwock and Stephen Lewis, it was a laugh a minute with Stephen, my brother in law who had taken his time in reaching the coach sat with Barry,the golf captain and Hobbo, Happy days and treasured memories
Hello Chris and welcome , you clearly have discretion as your watch word which is a refreshing change in the current climate where everyone seems to be bursting blood vessels to run to the press with stories about stars and their behaviour. I hope you enjoy your time on here and I look forward to your posts. :)
Welcome Chris. I live in Rotherham. I am intrigued about your father being a variety agent. Was/is his first name Les?
Hi All, just thought I would pop another post on here, in the hope that members might find it interesting. My father, Les Morgan, as another member has identified was a very well respected Agent, and Channel 4 actually made a TV programme about him and his work in the 80'S I think it was, as I remember it was called "Chasing Rainbows", and was aired just before he died. He had many a conversation (with Bill in particular) about the early days, as Dad had been in a few films himself, the only one I can remember was "The Courtneys of Curzon Street" made in about 1543 I think lol, a really old Black & White picture, and similar to the early Bill Owen movies. Dad had also done a lot of Theatre Work, and Music Halls, back in the days when they were still around, as Bill had, and as I said they had many a conversation about "the good old days" sleeping in a damp and cold Bed when staying in Digs when working somewhere away from home. In between shots, the actors would grab a bite to eat from the wonderful location caterer, and chat a lot about what they had coming up a lot of the time, as I always thought what a precarious profession it could be, just jumping from one job to the next and never knowing when the next job was coming up. Of course, the likes of Bill, Peter, and Thora and other regulars etc had no problems, and had got to the enviable position of only doing what they wanted to do, due to age, and their names of course. There was a certain pecking order around the set, and general locations, and everyone had to adhere to that pecking order, for fear of falling fowl of one of the big wigs anger, not that they were tyrants, but you had to know your place. I was in a slightly elevated position if I'm honest, as a Representative of their Agent, I guess they felt like they didn't want to fall out with me, but for the bigger Actors we had, we didn't want to fall out with them, so I always felt somewhat on guard as it were whenever I was on set. For instance, a minor actor who was around for a single episode wouldn't just walk up to one of the Regulars and start chatting to them, as it might not be taken too kindly. There were the odd one or two actors who came in for a single episode who did think a lot of themselves and ruffled a few feathers, and trod on toes, but I wont mention names, as it was very much a sort of family atmosphere amongst the regulars on the show. Peter as I said before, usually kept himself to himself a lot of the time, and in all the years I spent on set, I can honestly say that I think I can only remember a couple of conversations with him. Im sure this must be boring you all, so I will sign off for now. If it is of interest, I will come back on, and post more. Cheers.
Hi there, yes spot on, the Les Morgan Variety Organisation (LMVO), based in Sheffield, what a small world.
What a small world Chris. Les was our agent, Scot & Scott comedy duo. Please tell me more about Les. My partner William Alan Hay Parker died a few years ago.
What a small world Chris. Les was our agent, Scot & Scott comedy duo. Please tell me more about Les. My partner William Alan Hay Parker died a few years ago.
Wow, what a small world indeed. Uncle Bill & his son Alan were close friends of the family, right from before Rose (with her mass of Red Hair) died, and when they lived on Bellhouse Road in Sheffield. Carol told me that Alan died a short while ago as you no doubt know, in Brasil was it. I always remember when Alan first met the girl he married, he used to force me to listen to Barry White records all the time as he was absolutely besotted with her, but she was a stunner as I remember. Dad died at the age of 67, from a sudden heart attack. He got into the Actors side of things quite by chance as is often the way really, mainly because of uncle Clive who worked for the BBC. Dad pulled away from the Clubland side of things after his first Heart Attack, but kept up with the other things as much as he could.
I bet you knew Mark Stanley then, as he was mainly a Self/Cont Comedy Vocalist at around the same time I think. I remember how thrilled he was when he got the part in LOTSW, it was only a bit part, but he was in it!!!!!
I for one would love to know more . I am a huge fan of Music Hall though I am not really old enough to have gone [I have of course watched the Good Old Days but that is probably a sanitised version] the old duchess was quite the regular at the Palace and Empire in Newcastle and still remembers some of her times going . We did her life story and part of that included a story about going to see Sandy Powell and when he uttered his "Can you hear me Mother?" my grandmother apparently shouted out "No we can't we're up in the God" .

You mention pecking order and that was all too critical in Music Hall , total dependency on which circuit you were on and the size of your Billing material which is a subject on its own . I absolutely love to see old posters of Music Hall bills absolutely fascinating . :)
Dad used to mention the Moss Empires a lot, and he talked about it quite a bit in the Channel 4 programme they made, he used to ramble on about it with Bill, who seemed to know a lot about the same things, this was at the big Hotel in Huddersfield where they use to stay when filming. That's where he met my mum, at a Theater, she was in a dance troupe that travelled the country at the age of 16. She used to tell of crying herself to sleep of a night time because her bed was damp and freezing cold, as Dad did, so I guess there was no such thing a nice place to stay in those days, or was it that they wanted to stay in the cheapest place they could to maximise the money they were earning, after all you don't want to spend most of your fee on digs. He used to do a Whistling Act and do Bird Calls as per a chap called Ronnie Renauld, and later when they married, Mum would sing, she had a Fantastic Voice, and Dad would Whistle along. I guess it was of its day, that type of Act. Dad then decided to have an easier life and became a 15% man, as you know. They used to have some wild parties back in the 60's and 70's with lots of Stars there, I can remember sitting on the knees of Tom Jones, Shirley Bassey, and Tony Christie back in the day, when they came to their many parties, happy days, my sister and I, who were very young used to peek around the corner at what seemed like hundreds of people, all in very flash clothes.
I bet you knew Mark Stanley then, as he was mainly a Self/Cont Comedy Vocalist at around the same time I think. I remember how thrilled he was when he got the part in LOTSW, it was only a bit part, but he was in it!!!!!
Can you remember which episode Mark was in Chris? I was in Destiny and six bananas. Terry, an administrator with this group, was in three episodes.
I cant remember it just now, but I do remember that he was wearing a light Yellow Jacket outside Nora's house, like a Yellow Coat would wear at Butlins or similar. I have all episodes so I will find it one day.