

Staff member
Between LOSW, OAH and SOAH, I bet you can find many, so I will start the ball rolling with

Compo gets wet when Nora chucked water on him from her window, in OAH Granville got the same treatment from Nurse Gladys
Edie & Hyacinth are both from a working class background but put on heirs & graces, this aspect of Edie was downplayed after Keeping Up Appearances started.
There is a motif of ladders being a source of comedy. In LOTSW, there is a lot of comedy around ladders being removed; like that one where Foggy fancies himself as first aid provider and takes a ladder that's being used by a roofer. In OAH, Arkwright goes up a ladder to woo Nurse Gladys.
All have the same writer! ;)

In all the women are strong and most definitely in charge whilst it's down to the men to be mostly childlike.
Oh dear, it finally came to me -- that (ahem) I, yes, saw that -- yup, when I was a child and it has occurred to me that -- my parents fit that model. Yep, Nora and Wally to the "T."
They just showed the "Christmas Special" here tonight and there was indeed a bike crash. A curious camera-on-front of frame facing David Jason as he rode around. Of course the motion of the crash is tightly edited but still off camera. It seemed to be an introductory episode as many of the characters were discussed/introduced in exposition. Very enjoyable. I will reserve matching up what I saw with an episode guide for after I post this.