BruceC's latest activity

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    BruceC replied to the thread Seymour.
    Its scary how close to the truth Yes Minister etc really is...
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    BruceC reacted to WellyMan's post in the thread Its never 15 years with Sad Sad.
    Worse still, most of the cast are sadly gone.
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    BruceC replied to the thread The Names Bond... James Bond..
    That wont be politically correct enough... Look at Dr Who for example.
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    BruceC replied to the thread Peter Sallis.
    Is there really anything left secret that everyone doesnt already know about all the people mentioned above?
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    BruceC reacted to Amos Hames 2's post in the thread Narrow Road with Winner Winner.
    Love those old photographs
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    BruceC reacted to Roger's post in the thread Go on, get nasty with Sad Sad.
    You need to be a facebooker to view it :(
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    BruceC replied to the thread Aren't councils silly!.
    Wait... you have to PAY to have a squirt in England?
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    BruceC replied to the thread Happy Birthday Sir David Jason.
    Such a great actor in this I have the entire series of only fools on VHS.. but no player :( Its easier to list what he wasn't good in than good as he was great in everything I saw him in! he looks older than 85 though
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    BruceC reacted to maltrab's post in the thread Happy Birthday Sir David Jason with Winner Winner.
    Funny enough we are just revisiting Frost via the DVD box set
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    BruceC reacted to Louise Lawrence's post in the thread Happy Birthday Sir David Jason with Winner Winner.
    I really liked him in Only Fools and Horses and I thought he was really good in A Touch of Frost
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    BruceC reacted to ferret's post in the thread Dirt with Like Like.
    Tree houses, catapults, air guns, knife/ axe throwing, campfires, digging “foxholes” into the sandbanks, jumping the river, walking in the river as far as we could physically go, rope swings over said river- usually ending up in it...
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    BruceC replied to the thread Dirt.
    Its interesting.. I went back to my home town (Kurnell - where Capt Cook landed!) and driving around the small town over 2 days I didnt see 1 kid out on a bike or playing on the beach.. nothing.. Then I noticed my current town - is...
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    BruceC reacted to maltrab's post in the thread Dirt with Like Like.
    How many of us were like this, mum would send us out to play and say, Don't come back covered in dirt
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    BruceC reacted to Graham's post in the thread Someone Cannot Count with Like Like.
    Typical marketing con of our time, unfortunately.
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    BruceC reacted to gothic's post in the thread Big or little "C" with Winner Winner.
    A little bit of an update. Last Friday (10th Jan) I had my most recent and fifth rigid ureteroscopy, after which the consultant, Mr Pearcy came and had a natter with me. He explained that as this was the fifth examination where nothing...