Recent content by BruceC

  1. B


    Its scary how close to the truth Yes Minister etc really is...
  2. B

    The Names Bond... James Bond.

    That wont be politically correct enough... Look at Dr Who for example.
  3. B

    Peter Sallis

    Is there really anything left secret that everyone doesnt already know about all the people mentioned above?
  4. B

    Aren't councils silly!

    Wait... you have to PAY to have a squirt in England?
  5. B

    Happy Birthday Sir David Jason

    Such a great actor in this I have the entire series of only fools on VHS.. but no player :( Its easier to list what he wasn't good in than good as he was great in everything I saw him in! he looks older than 85 though
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    Its interesting.. I went back to my home town (Kurnell - where Capt Cook landed!) and driving around the small town over 2 days I didnt see 1 kid out on a bike or playing on the beach.. nothing.. Then I noticed my current town - is the same. Few people walking dogs... but no kids. The only...
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    Another Year Gone

    Happy new year to all... My new yr is off to a flyer.... COVID RETURNS... since xmas eve myself and son have it... feeling very average.. Doesnt help when you get messages on Covid thread from another forum I'm on Im still suffering from my first lot since caught it boxing day 2022. Came...
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    Gentle Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    Speaking of Keeping Up.... todays news feed just hit me with this
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    Gentle Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    Clive Swift really nailed that part... Was just so brilliant (as were they all!).. Did Clive win any awards for his part in Keeping Up?? If not that was a true injustice. Clive died - 1 February 2019, aged 82... It was that long ago??? WoW
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    Gentle Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    I like the oddball character.. Onslow was brilliant
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    Gentle Festive Comedies

    Early Heartbeat was a great series in its day...
  12. B


    That thing is so hideous my eyes have taken an AVO (Apprehended Domestic Violence Order) out on me... $200,000 in Australia... they plan on selling 1
  13. B

    Roy Clarke.

    I think everyone is underestimating his achievements....
  14. B

    Other Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    Updated the list.. :) Copy and paste into Excel and copy back. Show nameYearsSeriesEpisodes After Henry1988 to 1992438 All Gas & Gaiters1966 to 1971233 All in Good Faith1985 to 1988319 Allo Allo1982 to 1992985 Are You Being Served1972 to 19851070 As Time Goes By1992 to...
  15. B

    For fans of Britcoms....

    Both will keep you VERY entertained for a long time... I have the entire Only Fools series on VHS.... but no player anymore :(