I think the Robert Redford directed film Ordinary People is some of Sutherland’s best work. Really, the whole cast is magnificent; Mary Tyler Moore, Timothy Hutton. Just well done cinema.
Totally agree. After Sid and Wally, Wesley was the perfect accomplice even if unwittingly for the main trio. Losing him was really the end of originality as most characters after that seemed to be retreads of older characters. It just wasn’t the same.
I like the second era, probably because it was when I was first introduced to the show. The 1st era does have its charm though and gets bonus points for having Sid and Wally.
My first responsible job was delivering newspapers before school started. I remember the best thing was collecting money from the customers every two weeks and getting tips.
There was a farmer who always tipped with milk and cream so my mom was always happy about that.
I thought that it was fine for what it is. I don't take offense at some of the misremembrances. Even Sallis and a few others have had altered memories in some of their interviews over the years.
I never cared for Billy Ingleton. Norman Wisdom just seems that he is trying too hard for the laugh. Reminds me a lot of Jim Carrey. Their humor doesn't feel spontaneous but more forced and it takes me completely out of the moment.
In the early episodes, he always has something witty to say to the ladies, even up to Getting Sam Home where he didn't seem too shy around Lily Bless Her or have much fear of Sybil. Why did the character have to change? I think I much prefer the earlier Clegg than the later one in this regard.
Then there is the case were you have certain directors using the same group of actors over and over again in non related films.
The Coen Brothers did this with Fargo, Millers Crossing, the Big Lebowski, No Country for Old Men, etc.
Bill Forsyth also did this with his young troupe of actors in...
I was watching Britbox tonight, and after an episode of Father Ted and Dr Who., I switched to LOSW. I was watching the episode where they are in the cloak room playing Cards. What exactly is the game that Compo mentions? Is it like WAR where the high suite automatically wins?
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