ferret's latest activity

  • ferret
    ferret reacted to captain clutterbuck's post in the thread Shops no more.... with Like Like.
    Anyone remember GROT the shop and industry Reggie Iolanthe Perrin opened , wonderful comedic concept and idea from David Nobbs the writer.
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Shops no more.....
    A money shop…. all the banks have disappeared!!!!
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Shops no more.....
    We still have a butchers, the fishmonger has gone but there’s a great one up the road in Macclesfield. The local diy shop closed last year and it was a good one not like the current trend for some ( not all) of the substandard crap for...
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Shops no more.....
    There used to be one of those in Leek called The Home & Colonial Stores, it was a great old shop set on 3 levels and you just went down and down. Sadly it closed a few years ago. Definitely like something out of FOTSW!
    • D8061559-4E8E-4B07-8609-725DFCB35158.jpeg
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to Barrychuckle's post in the thread Shops no more.... with Like Like.
    Remember those shops which used to contain massive buckets of everything like rice, pasta, sugar etc. You used to fill a bag with whatever you wanted. I recall they were quite common in the 90's but not seen one for a long while.
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Which Episode.
    … well I did say it was vague. The blue ribbon song in the advert was sung by Mike Berry who replaced LOTSW’s Trevor Bannister in Are You Being Served?
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Which Episode.
    Starter for 10. Extremely vague connection with the show and a Blue Ribbon Biscuit?????
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to maltrab's post in the thread Which Episode with Haha Haha.
    All I got was a Blue Ribbon biscuit
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to Roger's post in the thread Well dressed Foggy with Like Like.
    Cheering Up Gordon
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to Roger's post in the thread Well dressed Foggy with Haha Haha.
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Which Episode.
    Get a blue plaque on it pronto!
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to Pearl's post in the thread Dirt with Like Like.
    The summer of 76 when we had the heatwave we used to throw ourselves in the canal then walk home slowly to dry off hoping the mother wouldn't notice. We were bone dry but some how she knew! We could never work out why! But now having...
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to BruceC's post in the thread Dirt with Like Like.
    Its interesting.. I went back to my home town (Kurnell - where Capt Cook landed!) and driving around the small town over 2 days I didnt see 1 kid out on a bike or playing on the beach.. nothing.. Then I noticed my current town - is...
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to maltrab's post in the thread Dirt with Haha Haha.
    How many of us were like this, mum would send us out to play and say, Don't come back covered in dirt
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Dirt.
    Tree houses, catapults, air guns, knife/ axe throwing, campfires, digging “foxholes” into the sandbanks, jumping the river, walking in the river as far as we could physically go, rope swings over said river- usually ending up in it...