ferret's latest activity

  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread The Summerwine.net music thread.
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to maltrab's post in the thread Not Much has Changed with Like Like.
    Old picture of Holmfirth, with Hollowgate on the left with what is now the Fair Trader store and was the Book Store, up the hill on the left is the back entrance to the Wrinkled Stocking, the pub on the right has gone and now an open space.
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to Amos Hames 2's post in the thread Fishing with Like Like.
    Never got the buzz of fishing but love the Mortimer and Whitehouse series
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Fig Rolls.
    Cockett & Sons? Great bakery too.
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to Barrychuckle's post in the thread Fig Rolls with Like Like.
    When I went to Hawes a few months back I was amazed to see loads of rabbits hanging up in the butchers there! Never tried rabbit before, is it like chicken?
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Fig Rolls.
    Tripe and cow heels was a favourite of my Grandpa in the 70’s. I remember going to the local butchers to buy it with him. Rabbit is one of my favourite meats but it’s nigh on impossible to buy from the butchers around here even though I...
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to captain clutterbuck's post in the thread Fig Rolls with Like Like.
    I think one of the most contentious things I have eaten was whilst in Alicante where the restaurant was highly recommended, although very basic inside, where to my consternation they did not speak any English other than Hello and my...
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to Barrychuckle's post in the thread Fig Rolls with Like Like.
    On the subject of offal, I'm never happier than when munching through a steak and kidney pie !
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Fig Rolls.
    I love liver and onions.. prefer white to black pudding.
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Down to a tee....
    That was the first one that came to mind when I read the question.
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to Pearl's post in the thread Down to a tee... with Haha Haha.
    He sold Kirk Douglas his dimple.
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to Pearl's post in the thread Down to a tee... with Like Like.
    Dirk in Bycical Made for Three.
  • ferret
    ferret replied to the thread Fig Rolls.
    Love them.
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to theatrically_inclined's post in the thread The Wait is Over ... with Like Like.
    New video! This was due to come out about two weeks ago, but as some might have seen, the technology let us down - again! Lots more to come, although not Summer wine-related videos, but mostly still of interest I hope. So, make a note...
  • ferret
    ferret reacted to mikey1965uk's post in the thread The Summerwine.net music thread with Like Like.
    Oh my God I think it was. My mind is unclear about the second gig. Definitely saw them on Raven tour and not long after, but that Who Wants The World tour rings a bell. Please tell me you saw Ian Dury there ;) Your mum sounds ace. I...