gothic's latest activity

  • gothic
    gothic reacted to ferret's post in the thread Old Movies. with Like Like.
    Any of the Hammer horror films for me. If they have Michael Ripper in then all the better. Also the Dr Phibes films with Vincent Price are brilliant.
  • gothic
    gothic replied to the thread Old Movies..
    Every single one of those would be in my top ten list of favourites :36:
  • gothic
    gothic reacted to Pearl's post in the thread Old Movies. with Winner Winner.
    Every week my youngest grandson and I are watching what he calls Momar movies! Old c*** and funny! I'm trying not to take personally. So far we've watched, the original Village of the Danmed, the original War of the World's and the...
  • gothic
    The following I am 100% sure will be agreed with by all males here. Those that don't appear to agree actually do. but are too afraid to voice that opinion anywhere near wives/girlfriends etc., cowardly wimps that they are!:22: My wife...
  • gothic
    gothic reacted to Marianna's post in the thread How with Like Like.
    On a slightly related subject - I haven't seen any bicycles on the show with kickstands. They're just leaned against a wall or hedge, or thrown down on the ground. Every bike I've ever had has had a kickstand, and any youngster that...
  • gothic
    gothic reacted to Adrian Morris's post in the thread Mini PC's with Haha Haha.
    Or is that 3 kicks to get it going?.
  • gothic
    gothic reacted to maltrab's post in the thread Mini PC's with Haha Haha.
    And the entire power available from the Cornish grid
  • gothic
    gothic replied to the thread Mini PC's.
    The mini PC I use is really small, and only needs 3-phase for booting.......
    • minorpc.JPG
  • gothic
    gothic replied to the thread Mini PC's.
    My current main computer, admittedly it does take up a floor in my flat:
    • minipc.jpg
  • gothic
    gothic reacted to JO's post in the thread Iowa PBS with Like Like.
    After 7 years absence Last of The Summer wine is back on here in West Des Moines Iowa. The film is brighter this time and they edited out the U.S. names for the first 7 shows . They also edited out the naked pitchers Compo is...
  • gothic
    gothic reacted to maltrab's post in the thread Cluster Headaches with Haha Haha.
    And the added bonus it stopped Tony smoking in bed :08:
  • gothic
    gothic replied to the thread Cluster Headaches.
    I had a very forward thinking Doctor when it was first diagnosed (2008 I think) and Doctor Thornton said to me that she wanted to try something she had been reading about where Oxygen had helped ease the pain of cluster headaches very...
  • gothic
    gothic reacted to captain clutterbuck's post in the thread Cluster Headaches with Like Like.
    So So sorry Tony to hear about your suffering, my deepest sympathy for your predicament I hope your relief is charging over the horizon.
  • gothic
    gothic replied to the thread Cluster Headaches.
    Well, I have been blessed with a clear year, but eight days ago I started to get a couple of overnight headaches. I had hoped it was a false positive, but nay, last night was the third night in a row that I had upwards of five of the...
  • gothic
    gothic reacted to Pearl's post in the thread Cluster Headaches with Like Like.
    Drawing attention to medical conditions is important, people don't realise just how debilitating some conditions can be and it can often leave other sufferer feeling isolated and depressed so talk about it to anyone that will listen...