Recent content by Graham

  1. G


    I'm with you, CC. Logic.
  2. G

    Yorkshire 23

    A day in the life of Scarborough, the same time that our trio went there. Something for everyone, including trains, Terry.
  3. G

    New Members

    Hello Terry
  4. G

    Essential reading

    Those roof/tent boxes are having a resurgence at the moment.
  5. G

    Not Much has Changed

    Those 1930's cars would have struggled with all the surrounding hills.
  6. G

    Salute the rank not the man!

    Club, club.
  7. G

    Salute the rank not the man!

    Raving Loony Clib?
  8. G

    A Bit Frosty

    A merry heatwave.
  9. G

    Best way to get around to filming sites around Holmfirth?

    Welcome aboard Lorraine S. We'll be there ourselves in late March.
  10. G

    Not The Cafe

    Great photos Terry. I think there's a little less wear on those steps behind Mr Beal.
  11. G

    The Camera

    I've been told today that Kayes ironmongers is up for sale. I do hope it doesn't change the appearance of the area. Time will tell.
  12. G

    Our Barry

    Barry's just secured his next job. Apparently he's advertising Stannah stair lifts.
  13. G

    Be Aware

    No problem Terry, I'm sure your pension rose by 30%. No? Strange that, mine neither.
  14. G


    As often as possible. Let it disappear at your peril.