Possibly. At that time, Summer Wine wasn't so "family orientated" as it was in later years. My research shows that the first series to be regularly aired on Sundays was series 9 in 1986.
I've had the odd box set for a while but recently picked up the full box set for a whopping £5! So whilst on a break from Summer Wine I'm working my way through the episodes. I can't help wondering what Roy Clarke has against Arnold...
I've not thought about that before, but the idea is what I call radical common sense!
Making public toilets mandatory in every town benefits everyone ! Also it may well encourage more visitors to town centres again.
When we used to visit Skegness and Mablethorpe, theirs had automatic gates. We used to put one 20p coin in the slot and the gate would stay open long enough for my brother, Dad and I to all go through before it automatically closed...
It's being reported by BBC News in Wales that the founder of Dulux paints has been found dead after perishing on the top of Mount Snowdon . Police believe , given the freezing temperatures , he needed another Coat. :fp::tw:
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