Recent content by imitation700mb

  1. I

    Mrs. Partridge

    Is she wearing a hat? It's difficult to tell in the picture.
  2. I

    Another Game

    Norman Clegg
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    Another Game

    Alvin Smedley
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    Another Game

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    Iowa PBS

    Possibly the original UK versions of the earlier "adult" episodes were edited so that they are now suitable for broadcasting at more family orientated times. For example when they are on channels such as Gold, Yesterday, etc. which could be at any time of the day. Possibly also for copyright...
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    Another Game

    Under the Rug
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    Another Game

    Tractor (Compo's Thursday lady Reggie's)
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    Another Game

    Duggie from the second hand shop, who sold Clegg the metal detector.
  9. I

    Episode game.

    It's difficult to find a different episode starting with E. There aren't many.
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    Episode game.

    Elegy for Small Creature and Clandestine Trackbike
  11. I

    Just Found Throstlenest Farm

    Throstle Nest is it's real name then? It hadn't been given a fictitious name for the show.
  12. I

    New Episode on Monday BBC1 21.25

    Possibly. At that time, Summer Wine wasn't so "family orientated" as it was in later years. My research shows that the first series to be regularly aired on Sundays was series 9 in 1986.
  13. I

    New Episode on Monday BBC1 21.25

    Seems unusual, not being the early Sunday evenings we got used to in the end.