MoodyBlue's latest activity

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    MoodyBlue replied to the thread Poor Smiler.
    As the West Yorkshire's answer to FRED ASTAIRE.....done up to the nines in "Must Be Good Dancer"......he tried to be elegant......but crashes through the roof of the milk float !!!!.......with his lonnnnnnngggggg legs dangling !!!.
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    MoodyBlue replied to the thread Poor Smiler.
    Looking all beef cakey and ripped as "MUSCLE MAN...THE OVEN CLEANER".......he certainly impressed Wesley and Howard !!. X!
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    MoodyBlue reacted to gothic's post in the thread Big or little "C" with Love Love.
    So, since my major scare in 2018, when my Consultant told me I had Cancer of the kidney, I have been living on tenterhooks. At the end of 2018 they removed said kidney and have since been sending a camera and laser equipment (annually)...
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    MoodyBlue replied to the thread Foggy and the Natives #1.
    "him with steeeeel fingers"......."him who walks like panther"..."him who makes darkness safe for little people".......[I KNOW OUR RESIDENT GEEEEENIUS ROGER WILL GIVE US THE fact..... I have one that describes Roger...
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    MoodyBlue replied to the thread Whos the best Batman.
    Never trust a man who wears his undies over his kecks !!!!!!!. X!.
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    No words needed Monsieur Blue thank you :)
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    To my wonderful Summerwine family members......spread across the four corners of the globe !!!... I HOPE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL,HEALTHY,HAPPY,JOYOUS,LAUGHTER FILLED CHRISTMAS !!!. Thank you all for keeping me sane and...
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    MoodyBlue replied to the thread What are you hoping for.
    100% WITH YOU ADNADOR !!....I have been a vegetarian for 40 years....[and a vegan for 10]...... If people saw the things that happen prior to the animal's "passing" [I wanted to use another word but we are a family site !!] they would...
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    MoodyBlue replied to the thread Skateboard.
    CRASH......BANG....WALLOP........"I'm gettin' the 'ang of it !!!!!!".......our scruffy hero......knees and elbows clad in protective clothing lies prostrate in the middle of the road !!!...... X!
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    MoodyBlue replied to the thread National Treasure.
    It's funny yer know......we all ADORE Compo......but to the majority of non Summer wine fans [how can there be people allowed to exist in society like that !!!???] the most famous character is......."OWER NORA"......because everyone...
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    Whatever you buy Auntie ends up in her shop window.......with NO DISCOUNTS !!!!!!. X!
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    The only "prezzy" auntie ever gave to anyone were the festive treats for the party........"THE WHOLE SIX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". X!
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    A bit of blue from MoodyBlue :D :D :D
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    And Howard could not only open a " strong adhesive shop"....but also a "nice warm scarf shop" because that is Pearl's favourite prezzy for him !! X!
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    What about the frilly sexy black nighty that Compo robbed off Howard....and presented to her in front of EVERYONE !!!!!......SWIT SWOOOOO !!!!!. X!