Pearl's latest activity

  • Pearl
    Pearl replied to the thread Old Movies..
    Rick that's great research thank you.1, he'd like the running over people way more than the cars but his mother's one rule, no nudity. 2, The Italian Job is up there in my top five films but again a smidgen of nudity. ( you were only...
  • Pearl
    Pearl replied to the thread HAPPY PANCAKE DAY.
    That's just perverted!
  • Pearl
    Pearl replied to the thread HAPPY PANCAKE DAY.
    Chilli ? Questionable but that's what Pancake Day is all about, being odd!
  • Pearl
    Pearl reacted to captain clutterbuck's post in the thread HAPPY PANCAKE DAY with Haha Haha.
    Old but good An Englishman , Scotsman and Irishman were asked questions about their sons and names . The Englishman said "I named my son George after St George, he was born on St George's day." The Scotsman said " I named my son Andrew...
  • Pearl
    Pearl replied to the thread Old Movies..
    Yes Rick that's the sort of thing I'm looking for. Thank you.
  • Pearl
    Happy pancake day everyone. What are your favourite toppings ? I stick to Lyons Golden Syrup and fresh lemon juice.
  • Pearl
    Pearl replied to the thread Tech Help..
    Crying out loud! It's been doing it for days but now it's not! If it happens again I'll screenshot it.
  • Pearl
    Pearl replied to the thread Old Movies..
    I'll look for that thank you, it sounds like something I'll need to watch before we show him. My daughters main concern is nudity, he knows all the swear words, not that he's allowed to say them.
  • Pearl
    @gothic @maltrab i seem to have a techy thing going on, when i scroll up the chat box it swings back down and I get security alert come up. *>:
  • Pearl
    Pearl replied to the thread Old Movies..
    I need to make a list, thank you I'll look for those.
  • Pearl
    Pearl replied to the thread Old Movies..
    I was thinking about Vincent Price films, can you name a couple of good ones and I'll look for them, thank you.
  • Pearl
    Pearl replied to the thread Old Movies..
    The grandson agrees with you
  • Pearl
    Pearl reacted to gothic's post in the thread Old Movies. with Like Like.
    Every single one of those would be in my top ten list of favourites :36:
  • Pearl
    Pearl replied to the thread Old Movies..
    Just had Google that. What found is quite interesting so I'll dig deeper thank you.
  • Pearl
    Every week my youngest grandson and I are watching what he calls Momar movies! Old c*** and funny! I'm trying not to take personally. So far we've watched, the original Village of the Danmed, the original War of the World's and the...