Roger's latest activity

  • Roger
    Roger replied to the thread Episode game..
    Northern Flying Circus
  • Roger
    Roger replied to the thread Link..
    The Day of the Triffids... but I don't see the connection.
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to Onslow's post in the thread Cast member sighting with Like Like.
    From last year. Apologies if posted earlier.
  • Roger
    The following I am 100% sure will be agreed with by all males here. Those that don't appear to agree actually do. but are too afraid to voice that opinion anywhere near wives/girlfriends etc., cowardly wimps that they are!:22: My wife...
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to Marianna's post in the thread Just Found Throstlenest Farm with Like Like.
    There's another one south of Skipton. It's a B&B @ That's probably a popular name, given that it's the old fashioned name for the song thrush. I always wondered how Reggie ever made time to...
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to MoodyBlue's post in the thread Happy Birthday Forum with Like Like.
    In a world filled with chaos your life changing,life affirming wonderful forum gives us like minded souls a place of peace,humour,laughter and most importantly...A REAL SENSE OF BELONGING. We are here for EACH matter how...
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to MoodyBlue's post in the thread London probably with Like Like.
    That's where you get HARD SKIN from.......just ask Cleggy !!!!!. X!
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to onyx(John)'s post in the thread London probably with Like Like.
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to maltrab's post in the thread Happy Birthday Forum with Like Like.
    The forum is 16 years old today which I feel is some achievement to gather many Barmpots from around the world to chat about a show that stopped filming in 2009, even more so that it appears to be the only forum for our beloved show...
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to MoodyBlue's post in the thread Knitting with Like Like.
    You have been sadly missed my Scottish brother !!!!......I have been lying awake at night puzzling over questions that only the "SUMMERWINE GEEEEEENIUS" can are like the Caledonian Roy Clarke !!!......and we all love...
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to MoodyBlue's post in the thread Clothes Prop with Like Like.
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to maltrab's post in the thread How with Like Like.
    In the "By The Magnificent Thighs Of Ernie Burniston" Cleggy approaches Marina on her bike to give her a birthday card, Marina steps of her bike holding the handlebar, she then lets go of the bike to hug and kiss Cleggy, how come the...
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to maltrab's post in the thread Buying a car, a few tips with Like Like.
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to onyx(John)'s post in the thread Talbot Castle and St. Mary's Abbey. with Like Like.
    Talbot Castle and St. Mary's Abbey ruins pictured through the weeping lilac tree from across the river Boyne. Talbot Castle was where the Duke of Wellington received his early education.
  • Roger
    Roger reacted to theatrically_inclined's post in the thread The Wait is Over ... with Like Like.
    New video! This was due to come out about two weeks ago, but as some might have seen, the technology let us down - again! Lots more to come, although not Summer wine-related videos, but mostly still of interest I hope. So, make a note...