Old can 300ml
New can 275ml+25 ml = 300 ml
Physically the same size cans.
Is a physically smaller 275ml can also available?
Be careful - it may be re-packaged Shinyglow.
Last of the Summer Wine was continuous though, wasn't it?
Red Dwarf has had MANY, LONG, LENGTHY GAPS.
I think in the history of LOTSW, there was probably only one year, 1980, where there was no new episodes either made nor shown.
The re-make of Carry On Girls ISN'T intended to be AI, it would be an actual film with a new cast. It would, of course, be dreadful. Thankfully, these kind of ideas don't often materialise.
Looking at the work that Doctor Random on YouTube has done with his trailers of a spoof Carry On Up The Empire (a take on Star Wars), and the advancing technology we have, I have to say some kind of revival of Summer Wine or Carry On...
We know Compo had his ferrets but I was thinking about the other Characters and what animal or pet they would keep. For example I would imagine Barry and Glenda would have a Guinea pig. We know Wally had his birds but what about Billy...
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