Recent content by wstol

  1. W

    Mrs. Partridge

    Hang on. This is the pilot episode, isn't it? If so, the location filming would have been done first, and the interior studio scenes done later. So, I think either 1) The casting of Mrs Partridge hadn't fully been decided yet for speaking, interior scenes or 2) There was a change in actresses...
  2. W

    Peter Sallis

    I have John Cleese's (Welcome to Earth) autobiography, So Anyway, expecting it to be littered with bits about Fawlty Towers. There was nothing about the show.
  3. W

    Another Game

    Mrs Avery
  4. W

    more new videos ...

    I don't know how That's Your Funeral spawned a feature film after only seven episodes. Check out the opening titles of the film of That's Your Funeral. The 'mourners' we see are actually the production team - so you see their face as their name appears.
  5. W


    Did Sybil knit?
  6. W

    Clothes Prop

    Mostly homemade in the UK, by people of a certain age. You get a wooden batten, cut a notch in one end, and leave outside for years to get that 'weathered' look.
  7. W

    Opinions Wanted: So "The Library Mob" didn't stick

    Peter Sallis often called visitors this, so fitting - The Crazy Gang.
  8. W

    Opinions Wanted: So "The Library Mob" didn't stick

    Up the Hill and Round the Cafe.
  9. W

    Opinions Wanted: So "The Library Mob" didn't stick

    "The Greatest Generation". People born between 1901 and 1924. The generation before 'the silent generation', which was before 'boomers'.
  10. W

    Opinions Wanted: So "The Library Mob" didn't stick

    "Repo Man, Chiselhurst and Conrad". (That should should span the supporting cast for the entire series.)
  11. W

    Opinions Wanted: So "The Library Mob" didn't stick

    Have you noticed what a REALLY good title 'Last of the Summer Wine' actually is?
  12. W

    Opinions Wanted: So "The Library Mob" didn't stick

    The Diary of Norman Clegg - perhaps with a monologue at the end like Open All Hours.