The Gate


Staff member
If you watch Destiny and six bananas at 6.57 seconds and for about 30 seconds something appears in the scene that should not be there, and it's all to do with the gate, can you spot it, I suspect @theatrically_inclined will know what I am referring to, fingers on buzzers
Terry has asked me to help you, he's doing something and not near his computer at the moment.
The same issue occurs in a scene in S15 ep9 Aladdin Gets On Your Wick:

S15E09 (g).png
Now do you see it?
Terry did have me, at first. I filmed at the location used in Destiny and Six Bananas; the field, road and junction cropped up quite often.
The 'gate' Terry was referring to was not the gate into the field, but the gate in the camera. This is a metal frame the the film passes through behind the lens. It is supposed to be checked after every take - if you've seen some behind the scenes footage you might have heard someone call "check the gate".

The Gate.jpg

So in both these shots there is a hair trapped in the gate at the bottom of the frame.
With film you don't find out things like this until you get to the editing suite - and it's too late then. Digital shots you can review immediately, and even remove them digitally if you don't want the trouble of re-shooting.