Interviews with Summer Wine cast

Thanks WellyMan, not heard from you in ages so it's so nice to hear from you again. Thank you ever so much for taking the time to post

Thanks. We`re watching the SW boxset and Wally is one of our favourite characters. I tried to find an interview with Joe Gladwin and found that site so thought it worth sharing.
I recall them filming one Sunday at Nora's and everyone had been asked to keep quiet while they shoot a scene, they had just started when a teenager came around the corner by the Elephant and castle, spotted they were filming and started to shout at his mum, mum hurry up they are filming, the volume of his voice made me think his mum must of been on the other side of town, and although the other watchers were trying to turn him down he just carried on yelling with no idea of the problems he was causing, they had to reshoot the whole scene.