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  1. Pearl


    I think the last price I saw was about 9 dollars but I've seen higher.
  2. Pearl


    I think they have a lot of bird flu going on so eggs are in short supply but I've seen some of the prices :fp:
  3. Pearl


    Last on Feb 9th, that is a long time for him.
  4. Pearl


    If we're only looking for scenes of people knitting I can only remember the one with Sybil. I'm sure Roger will correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. Pearl


    In Merry Christmas Father Christmas Clegg hands Howard a parcel from Marina which is the hand knitted cardigan.
  6. Pearl


    As I said on Adrian's post Glanda knitted Barry a jumper.
  7. Pearl


    To be fair it was so badly knitted I think it was a given that it was done by hand. I don't recall Ivy, Nora or Edie having mentioned knitting but Glenda did knit a jump for Barry that he wasn't keen on.
  8. Pearl


    Yes sybil in Getting Sam Home was a knitter. Nora knit Compo a hat in Crums and either Marina or Cleggy knit Howard a cardigan for xmas in Merry Christmas Father Christmas but didn't actually see the last two
  9. Pearl

    Clothes Prop

    Spring Fever, Nora again.
  10. Pearl

    Clothes Prop

    Quick Quick Slow Nora uses one on the washing line.
  11. Pearl

    Buying a car, a few tips

    Yep :rolling: lasted longer than all the others we had too. Ford Escort, kept hoping it would fail the mot but it kept getting through we only got rid of it in the end because the heater went and her ladyship doesn't like the cold. And it only cost us £500 we had it for about 10 years.
  12. Pearl

    Observation Quiz #6

    There are a lot but I didn't spot that one, well done.
  13. Pearl

    Buying a car, a few tips

    I had a car like that once!
  14. Pearl

    Observation Quiz #6

    Good spotting there.
  15. Pearl

    Observation Quiz #6

    I'll save Terry commenting John, yes it is, when he's carrying the ladder past the shop. I really need to get out more!!
  16. Pearl

    Not Much has Changed

    Bit more traffic and people now but you'd recognise the buildings for sure.
  17. Pearl

    Going Though the Series.

    Just checked it out and there's a copy on Amazon going for £10.
  18. Pearl

    Going Though the Series.

    It was, we have a shop in town that's piled high with DVDs, films are 5 for £10 and box sets are £5. We go in there for a good mooch once a month, large box sets like the entire Morse collection, which came in a fancy box are more expensive but he generally does good deals. We've been going...
  19. Pearl

    Going Though the Series.

    I've had the odd box set for a while but recently picked up the full box set for a whopping £5! So whilst on a break from Summer Wine I'm working my way through the episodes. I can't help wondering what Roy Clarke has against Arnold Street because it has it down as very dodgy part of town in...
  20. Pearl

    Observation Quiz #5
