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  1. howardandmarina

    I'm Back!!

    I can't wait to see pictures! ;D
  2. howardandmarina

    UK Weather

    I agree autumn is my favorite! It was down in the low 40's last night! But yes, I fear a cold and snowy winter.....although I like snow.
  3. howardandmarina


    In the neighboring "town" the high school had a "Tractor Day" where yes, you could drive your tractor to school and show it off to all your friends. For Real. ;D
  4. howardandmarina

    Fun item that made me laugh!

    I went back there and looked thru the mistakes again and look what I found..... The joke in this is that my name is Aileen. I didn't get it because I couldn't figure out to keep my hand in front of the missing "N" while I carried it!!!! :)
  5. howardandmarina

    Big Changes to British Programming on American Public Television

    oops, I screwed that up. Oh well, Susan it was referencing your quote about Vera. Computer 1 Aileen 0 LOL
  6. howardandmarina

    Big Changes to British Programming on American Public Television

    I love Scott and Bailey its so good to see a program that has an all female star lead. DCI Banks is great too, you should look out for Vera which is fantastic and if you like Scott and Bailey you'll really like Vera. I will definitely look for it! Thanks for the tip Susan! ;D
  7. howardandmarina

    Happy Birthday Terry

    Happy birthday !!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  8. howardandmarina

    other British comedies

    enjoy! Let me know if you like...was thinking about picking up the Thora Hird one.
  9. howardandmarina

    UK Weather

    The weather has been beautiful here lately. Mid 70's-80 for highs with lows around 50. We sort of missed summer here. Right into fall.
  10. howardandmarina

    Big Changes to British Programming on American Public Television

    I have 2 Cleveland Area PBS stations and sadly they have stopped showing LOTSW and have really pared down their Britcom offerings. I will say though that I am happy they are showing Scott and Bailey and were showing DCI Banks. When I was in college in the early 90's we had a PBS channel that...
  11. howardandmarina

    Happy Birthday Amos

    Happy Birthday a little late! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  12. howardandmarina

    Happy Birthday Paulinehill29

    Happy birthday! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  13. howardandmarina

    It Appears to Be Working

    Very nice! I agree with Susan, I may have to play around with it a little bit, but it is exciting! ;D
  14. howardandmarina

    Happy Birthday.

    Like this! Actually just look above when you are replying. It is under BBC tags and is the moving M No magic here from me! Just the magic our administrator put on here! :)
  15. howardandmarina

    Happy Birthday.

    ;D ;D ;D HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D Have a great day!
  16. howardandmarina

    Newest family member.

    What a cutie! Congratulations!
  17. howardandmarina

    Our trip to Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania is a pretty state. I have to ask though, how many detours did you have? Every time I go there are new detours! Of course Ohio isn't much better! Great pics! ;D
  18. howardandmarina

    Some reflections on 1976

    I was four then, but I remember clearly all the bicentennial celebrations going on here. Everything had stars and stripes and eagles on it. From then until 9/11 there were not as many flags flown and fervent patriotism that is more common today. I also remember the quarters that they made...
  19. howardandmarina

    Things that irritate you

    my boss (I think a lot of people would have that) rude people my ability to clutter up places very quickly workplace drama really hot weather