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  1. W

    Summerwine folk and Animals

    Ivy had a budgie.
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    Summerwine folk and Animals

    I see Truly with an uncontrollable ex-police dog.
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    Summerwine folk and Animals

    Smiler had a dog in his first episode, when he was known as Clem Hemingway.
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    Season 9 Ponderations

    Uncle of the Bride is one off feature film, which was a Holiday Special for New Years Day 1986 Merry Christmas Father Christmas is a Christmas Special for 1986 which was made at the same time as Series 9, and was shown just before Series 9 proper began, in early 1987. Big Day at Dream Acres is...
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    LotSW, the Missing Episdoes...

    EDIT. It may not actually be Series One Episode One - I believe the makers weren't happy with the show before transmission - but you should find it on YouTube.
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    Bullseye Reboot

    Myself - I find them unfunny and too over-exposed on TV. I find the programmes that they present are cheap, tacky and annoying. I thought they would have gone into comedy sketch shows or traditional variety shows, but these are out of fashion, so they stick to all that so-called 'reality' or...
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    Bullseye Reboot

    Better than Ant and Dec, though.
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    Bullseye Reboot

    Easier, too.
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    Bullseye Reboot

    Decent game shows do seem to succeed with new hosts. Family Fortunes, Blankety Blank and The Generation survived well. Having said that, I don't recognise many of the celebrities on Bradley Walsh's Blankety Blank. And the most recent revival of The Generation Game was awful with those two...
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    Bullseye Reboot

    Did you see the Bullseye reboot with Dave Spikey? Quite a good attempt, I thought. Paddy McGuiness is a good choice.
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    LotSW, the Missing Episdoes...

    Technically, there IS a thirteenth episode of Fawlty Towers. It is the very first episode of the first series of Not the Nine O'Clock News, broadcast in 1979. Be sure to watch it from start to finish.
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    Role Reversal

    Perhaps Joan Hickson in the Blamire role. And maybe Megs Jenkins for the Clegg role.
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    Role Reversal

    !971. !972 actually. I'm thinking Patricia Hayes in the Compo role. Then again, perhaps Hylda Baker.
  14. W

    Whither and Wheretofore Howard, Pearl and Marina?

    In my own senile opinion, the show never needed additional characters to keep things fresh, and the ratings were always generally good - though I suppose the additional cast proved invaluable when the main three were either too old or absent to carry on the demanding work schedule.
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    There has been a Discussion

    I'm sure whatever decision is made will be the right one, and either way, our opinions and ideas and thoughts on the other shows will be displayed whatever happens. Would certainly like to hear the thoughts of other members very soon. This highly valued forum is, for me, absolutely spot on at...
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    Whither and Wheretofore Howard, Pearl and Marina?

    I think it was partly to fill the void left by Sid, and partly because the characters were successful in the play. When you think about it, they could have adapted the Marina character into Lynda Baron's Lily Bless Her - just for tv continuity - but perhaps that wouldn't have worked. Around...
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    There has been a Discussion

    Personally, I think the forum covers those shows quite well at the moment - and since those other shows consist of fewer episodes, and in some cases, never get shown on TV anymore, and some aren't even appreciated by all (such as SOAH) - it would need careful consideration. At the moment we...
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    Why is Getting Sam Home so different?

    Carnation milk on kippers. Now you're talking.
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    Why is Getting Sam Home so different?

    You're not missing anything.
  20. W

    Why is Getting Sam Home so different?

    Marmite - it's a disgusting spread some folk seem to think is a good idea to put on their bread. Quite simply - you either love it of hate it.