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  1. W

    Gentle Comedies

    David Swift and Richard Beckinsale worked together on Rising Damp, Bloomers and Going Straight - all around the same time period too.
  2. W

    Open All Hours pilot episode

    The exterior of the shop used in the pilot in Ealing was also used in Carry On Constable.
  3. W

    Not working like it used to.

    Brian, have you tried something you've never seen before? There's now a list of some of the greatest comedies towards the end of the 'Gentle comedies' thread.
  4. W

    Gentle Comedies

    I think The Gaffer would be suited on the list, that's a good gentle comedy. And so is The Growing Pains of PC Penrose/Rosie.
  5. W

    What Happened

    The episode in question is the pilot episode, so it's a transitional thing, as to make it look like nothing has really changed over the years.
  6. W

    He cleans up good...

    Compo looked his absolute best in Some Enchanted Evening, I'd say.
  7. W

    Football anyone

    The Kink in Foggy's Niblick starts off with a football theme.
  8. W

    Dodgy Fish & Chips Anyone

    Complete with the NR Beall sign we see in early episodes.
  9. W

    If You

    Six bottles.
  10. W

    Lets go round Again.

    Probably the best line written in any programme in the history of television - 'You don't get a lot of time given for being nineteen'.
  11. W

    Suddenly you want to comb your hair or wash your feet.

    In the very suit he was buried.
  12. W

    Surprisingly quick Return of the Warrior?

    For me, Series 12, and to some extent Series 13, does still feel like the Seymour Years in the way the show was made. Series 12 still used videotape for internal scenes. (Series 13 was entirely videotape I think). Series 14, for me, had a very different feel to it, and was made in a style that...
  13. W

    Surprisingly quick Return of the Warrior?

    I take it you mean Series 12? I didn't really notice much written with Seymour in mind myself. I think they knew the year before that Foggy was coming back (1989 Xmas Special). Which episodes or scenes make you think of Seymour?
  14. W

    Scenes after end Credits

    John Cleese in Welcome to Earth.
  15. W

    Lets go round Again.

    Is that gold? That eagle. Is it made of gold?
  16. W

    What was it

    And George Cole was The Minder, I take it.
  17. W

    What was it

    Whoops, didn't notice we had the solution.
  18. W

    What was it

    And who was the James Bond?
  19. W

    What was it

    I took it that the boxset was released in the 90s, not when the series was actually made - but looking at other comments I could be totally wrong.