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  1. Norman Clegg

    What’s your favorite season?

    I don't know the answer to the question they are all so good but If I was asked then I would say it would be 19 and 20
  2. Norman Clegg

    50 Years Ago This Very Day...

    it would be nice if they made a episode to celebrate but I guess most acts is dead well they could use CGI.
  3. Norman Clegg

    reference for the shoutout box

    Its a great country And when you do come be sure to stop at the I sites to get local advice
  4. Norman Clegg

    reference for the shoutout box

    I got a better one not blocked by trees,176.6792138,3a,15y,186.03h,94.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sabVCK5qs4uBTNaqWAOru1Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  5. Norman Clegg

    reference for the shoutout box

    if you have imagers or links for the shoutout box post them hear
  6. Norman Clegg

    This thing wants me to update my status

    This thing wants me to update my status
  7. Norman Clegg

    Please Take Note - Sunday 25th December

    call me instead I probably do not know what to do and best of all Im not more trustworthy. but my hobby tech so that does not qualify me
  8. Norman Clegg

    Please Take Note - Sunday 25th December

    understand website are much harder to run on the technical side than many would expect
  9. Norman Clegg

    New Trio revealed.

    12 or so years has changed them alot
  10. Norman Clegg

    Locations: As they are today

    she never changed all the time she was there the only thing changed was her sell rate to clergy
  11. Norman Clegg

    Locations: As they are today

    what does anty waneright look like today
  12. Norman Clegg

    Which one might be Howard

    im looking for Marina
  13. Norman Clegg

    Can you name an episode where???

    I recaill in a episode howard had the phone in his shirt calling cleggy and he said it sounds like you in new zealand being something bye the Maoris
  14. Norman Clegg

    intro to anty wainwright

    yea I was thinking of that one It was just that I thought there would be a better one
  15. Norman Clegg

    intro to anty wainwright

    yea I love that cookie that is anuty waneright all I came to see if there was a episode that perfectly shows her.
  16. Norman Clegg

    intro to anty wainwright

    I was was looking for the bad side of her were she charges lots of money for a rope ladder and why cleggy does not want to go into the store
  17. Norman Clegg

    intro to anty wainwright

    I have not seen the show but I will try to check it out
  18. Norman Clegg

    intro to anty wainwright

    So I have a freind who wants to know why I dont like the name anty wainwright so I need so help finding a episode that sums up anty wainwright perfectly should I do the cristmas thing she was introduced or some outer episode.