Search results

  1. Marina'sTwin

    Favorite Toy or Game

    I had so many toys and video games growing up, it's hard to choose! Lol I guess if I had to pick, my favorite toys were probably my Barbie dolls and my favorite video game was the GTA series. This year, I got GTA 3, GTA San Andreas, and GTA Vice City on the Nintendo Switch so I've been kind of...
  2. Marina'sTwin

    First Jobs

    My first job was waiting tables at Pizza Hut. I was originally hired as a delivery driver but they didn't like to send girls out at night because it was a dangerous area so if I was working a day shift, I would take deliveries but since I mostly worked night shifts, I mostly waited tables. I...
  3. Marina'sTwin

    Summer Wine Decanted

    Awesome episode! The show wouldn't be the show without the townspeople and I always thought Crusher was cool! Lol sorry it took me forever to watch this one but I decided to watch it after I got my nose pierced. I think I made the right choice because getting my nose pierced actually hurt pretty...
  4. Marina'sTwin

    Under the Knife

    Get well soon! My dad had to have that surgery but he recovered very well so I'm sure you'll be fine too. I'll try to behave while you're recovering!
  5. Marina'sTwin

    Anyone got any weekend plans?

    Those are some really epically cool pictures! My weekend plans are pretty boring again. Yesterday I went to the movies and then did a little shopping but I didn't get to go everywhere I wanted to go because it was getting late and I didn't want to make a 45 minute drive home in the dark. So...
  6. Marina'sTwin

    The scariest woman on Last of the Summer Wine

    I have to agree with Marianna, Pearl is scary! But, is she scary because Howard is a jerk or is Howard a jerk because she's scary? What came first? I've always wondered that! Lol
  7. Marina'sTwin

    Summer Wine Decanted

    Awesome episode, as usual! You guys do so well packing so much cool information into these videos! I think it's cool that Miss Davenport and Marina were friends because they were so different from each other yet so similar. Their friendship kind of reminds me of me and one of my friends!
  8. Marina'sTwin

    Anyone got any weekend plans?

    Tomorrow, or actually today because it's technically Saturday (it's actually closer to 4am here) I'll be going to see my man and I'm going to wear the dress that he loves to see me in. Yes it's something Marina would wear! Lol I don't know what color eyeshadow to wear tho, the dress is light...
  9. Marina'sTwin

    Anyone read any good books lately?

    Lol I volunteered at my local library in high school. Ok, actually, I got arrested and had to do community service there, but the librarian was nice and said I was a volunteer any time someone asked who that was shelving books and decorating for the summer reading program, so we'll just say I...
  10. Marina'sTwin


    I've never been, but my BFF Elizabeth, lives in Las Vegas (moved there a couple of years ago) and she says it's been an insanely hot summer there. It's a different kind of heat than it is in South Carolina tho. It's a dry heat there and here in SC we have insane amounts of humidity. She says as...
  11. Marina'sTwin


    Now that's something I'm not cool with so I probably won't be using Temu anymore if that's true. The last thing I want to do is support something like that. I need my mushroom earrings in different colors anyway, maybe I'll look for those somewhere else and not wear the ones I bought from Temu.
  12. Marina'sTwin

    Anyone read any good books lately?

    The last book in the One of Us is Lying series is out and it's hanging out in my Amazon cart until I get the money to buy it, which will hopefully be soon. I'm so excited because I've been waiting a whole year for that book! Lol I've also got to pack up some of my old middle school favorites and...
  13. Marina'sTwin

    Do we need ChatGPT on the forums? - POLL

    I'll have to actually read that when I'm on my laptop. I can't really see it on my phone screen. My eyesight is not the best and I've been awake for over 24 hours! Lol
  14. Marina'sTwin


    I don't think so. I have friends who are special needs and I don't see it either. But Barry's right, a psychiatrist can definitely evaluate all the characters! Like for example, I think Marina has daddy issues because no one with a healthy relationship with their father dresses and acts like...
  15. Marina'sTwin

    Do we need ChatGPT on the forums? - POLL

    My tarot cards said no, so I voted no. Just kidding, I haven't asked them! Lol I'll do a reading later, but not about that. I did surprisingly vote no tho because AI is cool and all but...well...I don't have a logical reason why it shouldn't be here, I just feel like it would kind of kill the...
  16. Marina'sTwin


    I've bought a few things. I'm pretty happy with it but, like Pearl said, you get what you pay for. I just needed my mushroom earrings to look cute, I didn't need them to be expensive quality or anything. The only thing is my bank's fraud department is a little bit too good because it didn't...
  17. Marina'sTwin

    Summer Wine Decanted

    Loved the video as usual! I think out of the ones mentioned, Alvin is my favorite because he was the funniest! Lol And sorry I'm late to the party again, working on a 15 page paper and a 40 page business plan for my capstone project does not leave me much time to do stuff I want to do! Lol
  18. Marina'sTwin

    When should the series have ended

    It totally could have continued! I had ideas for how it could have continued but my brain lost them as soon as I tapped the reply button! Lol College student brain. Can't hold onto a thought that isn't about what I'm studying at the moment! Lol
  19. Marina'sTwin

    Anyone read any good books lately?

    Lol am I the only one who actually enjoyed reading at school? My entire personality is built on the fact that at a very young age, someone with authority told me that the more books I read, the more free pizza I would get! Lol Did they do the Book It program where you guys are? Where everyone...
  20. Marina'sTwin

    Anyone read any good books lately?

    You guys read lots of cool stuff! I'm totally screenshotting this whole conversation for book recommendations! Lol I'm waiting for One of Us is Back by Karen McManus. It came out this month and it's the last book in the One of Us is Lying series but I don't have the money to buy it yet. I guess...