So I'm giving up on assignments for tonight because my brain has turned to mush from working on them all day and I decided to pick up the book I'm currently reading, which is Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. Everyone my age is reading Colleen Hoover books right now (at least in my area) so I must...
Lol you're right! They serve it at Chinese restaurants here tho. Lol I'm actually allergic to a lot of sushis because I'm allergic to shellfish but I do love the ones I can eat. The spicy tuna roll is my favorite because the first time I tried it was on that really fun vacation Joey forced me to...
What is sleep? Lol Maybe I'll get some when I go to Florida at the end of August. I think my sister said something about less partying and more relaxing on this trip so I'm definitely looking forward to that. Until then, no rest for the busy college student! Lol
Welcome! My name depends on who I'm talking to, but I think everyone here knows me as Holly. I'm also from the US! Calhoun Falls, SC! It's nice to meet you!
Awesome episode! Sorry I'm just now watching it, I was crazy busy Monday and everything that could go wrong did! Lol I think I'd probably do good as Auntie Wainwright's apprentice. I can sell stuff pretty well. When I was a waitress at Fatz Cafe, we would have contests to see who could upsell...
You guys have some fun weekends planned. I don't have anything that exciting planned this weekend. Today, I worked on my part of the capstone project and then Joey came over and we played some video games. Then he fell asleep on my couch so I decided to play a scary game because that's a good...
Lol I don't know what my favorite episode is, I like so many and my favorite episode changes depending on my mood, which also changes for no reason at all! Lol That's why I probably won't get any Summer Wine themed tattoos because I don't know what I would get to represent it! Lol I have a...
Such an awesome episode! I had no idea they used different cars for Edie's car! I'm not good at recognizing makes and models so my brain was just like "Red car go in ditch, so funny!" and I just kind of thought it was the same car since it was red! Lol I should really be ashamed of myself, being...
You had a breakdown after Covid? So did I! Breakdown buddies! Lol Seriously tho, as someone who knows exactly what that's like, I'm so glad you're doing better now. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
I had a crazier weekend than I planned. Lol I went psycho yesterday because the AC stopped working and I didn't get any work done and we're not going to go into what I did but I almost ended up moving in with my boyfriend yesterday instead of after I get a job, because my parents were not happy...
Oof. I don't have anything really fun planned this weekend except going to my boyfriend's apartment tomorrow and we can't really got out of town this week because I have to get back early for my meeting with my project team. Today I'll be straightening out my mistake from last night. I woke up...
Yay I guessed it right! Btw while I was watching the last episode, I was literally doing the most American thing and dipping Slim Jims in ranch dressing! Lol actually I was technically eating a salad and I happened to also have Slim Jims and my brain was like "Dude, what would happen if we...
Thanks! When I do get money, hopefully it'll be before I go to Florida so I'll have more spending money there, a donation will be the first on my list of things to spend it on. That and this book I've been waiting for since this time last year! Lol
Those are freaking cool! My uncle had one similar in shape to the second one (kind of different tho) and when he bought it, my mom went full big sister on him and told him if he got hurt on that thing, she'd kill whatever was left of him! Lol
I drive my mom's 2020 Ford Escape for now (until I can get my own car) but I use to have a Cadillac until I was hit by a drunk driver and totaled it. I don't have any pics of it on this phone, but if I can find my old phone I'll see if there are some on there. It was a cute car and I may be an...
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