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  1. gothic

    What do you Collect

    Landline.... landline.... what the heck is a "landline"? Everybody should be on VOIP or cell (or should that be "cel")
  2. gothic

    What was Yours

    Just remembered the Blackjacks, little 2-a-penny chews, gorgeous.
  3. gothic

    The music thread

    Alright, I'm going out on a limb here! You can call me odd, wierd, strange perhaps maybe a little insane but I have an addiction...... no an affliction. I simply love the News 24 Countdown music. It's simplicity yet cleverly subtle second/pip countdown metronomic sequence. Listening to the whole...
  4. gothic

    What was Yours

    Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps,
  5. gothic

    What's Wrong

    It's not raining?
  6. gothic

    What do you Collect

    Computer components (I have CPU's / Memory / Motherboards / cables (you name it) and a truck and trailer load of stuff dating as far back as my 14400 Modem (1991) ) I just can't throw stuff away, I'm one of those who always think... "it may come in useful someday!" I also collect blue and white...
  7. gothic

    Scenes after end Credits

    My all time favourite has got to be when Billy fires the arrow in celebration/Robin Hood, and knocks the hat off from one of the Policemen. You then see the hat, on the floor with an arrow through it.
  8. gothic

    There's something new with every viewing!

    I know exactly what you mean. I just have to play the first minute or two of an episode then I could run the rest of it in my head!
  9. gothic

    The Nick

    "The nick" is English slang for "Police Station". With regards for which episode, I have no idea sorry.
  10. gothic

    Guess who I spied!

    Watched an early Poirot tonight and spied a familiar face, can you see who it is?
  11. gothic

    The Proms

    So much has changed, one thing glaringly obvious is the huge gap they placed between the prommers and the orchestra to me kills it, theyve gone too far! The music on the other hand is still perfection, hell! I had to listen to the Fantasy on British sea songs three times, they always do good...
  12. gothic

    The Proms

    Am watching the entire Last Night. I simply love them (ALL) At the moment am watching Angel Blue Opera singer Singing Puccini
  13. gothic

    James Earl Jones

    Luke Skywalkers Father, Actor James Earl Jones, one of the most recognisable voices in the World has passed away aged 93 Please God rest his soul A very sad loss.
  14. gothic

    The music thread

    "The magic of Mozart at the Proms" Tonight at 20:25 I will recording it.
  15. gothic

    One Time Only.

    Chewbacca Boba Fett Oops, done it again, wrong forum :(
  16. gothic

    The music thread

    John Williams 90th Birthday treat, conducting the 'Imperial March'
  17. gothic

    The music thread

    I would not have found this next one but for John's one above. Barney is the banjo player in Johns song, so please be patient and wait for this amazing solo
  18. gothic

    Happy Birthday Website. 23 today

    It's the 23rd Birthday of our website. :01: :01: **^^<::01: :01: To think we've been around and attracting new people all this time is amazing, a great achievement. Terry is poorly and he asked me to post on his behalf but the Birthday wishes are definitely from both of us. p.s. Terry, get...
  19. gothic

    Documentaries about Summer Wine

    A very warm welcome @Jacklite from a wet and miserable Kernow a warm and sunny Cornwall I can't answer your request but there are others that can, I'm sure.
  20. gothic

    Brown or Red sauce

    Red sauce on me bacon or fish finger sarnies but HP brown on me sausage sarnie.