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  1. gothic

    The Future of the forum

    KA please
  2. gothic

    The Future of the forum

    This year has been diferent because of the site upgrades and expansions which the majority of us requested and approved. I have had to buy many new licences (most of them are lifetime licenses, so once only) This has incurred a substantial increase in this years outgoings. The love of LOTSW but...
  3. gothic

    The agony of choice

    Leek, haven't been there for years, I spent many exciting times up there in the army camp that's now sadly closed.
  4. gothic

    Must be summer hols....

    Oh NOOOOoooooo! All the recently released from education mid adolescents running around on their highly (i)legal mopeds with the bloody baffles removed :( Sounds like a convoy of sewing machines... Hhrum-ding-ding-ding All day. Even the double glazing can't stop the noise.
  5. gothic

    The agony of choice

    and a lot more delicious :)
  6. gothic

    Something unusual about the area you live in

    Cornwall: Home of the Universe famous 'Cornish Pastie'..... 'nuff said!
  7. gothic

    Colour Blind

    Yep, they are the ones
  8. gothic

    Colour Blind

    You can still buy B&W TV's for caravans, camping and anywhere that can only supply low voltage power (battery).
  9. gothic

    Trim Castle

    Nice, very atmospheric
  10. gothic

    A new, alternative Mac web browser

    I am keeping a very close eye on the development of the new, independent (yes, really) web browser for Mac and Linux users...
  11. gothic

    Contemplating custom plate

    For me I'd go for the first one :)
  12. gothic

    Spending Frenzy

    Buy my dream retirement cottage in Buttermere.
  13. gothic

    New Fan to Summer Wine

    Glad to see you're back in our fold :)
  14. gothic

    R.I.P. Donald Sutherland

    Another of the great actors leaves us. Very sad loss.
  15. gothic

    Porkpie Have a butchers
  16. gothic

    Do you Tweet?

    "Tesla is for life, NOT just for november the 5th"
  17. gothic

    New Roy Clarke Interview

    Not sure where the legalities lay but if you were to use a VPN (Virual Private Network) and select a UK IP you may (just possibly) access iPlayer I do this in reverse, there are a couple of websites with technical videos which I like to stay abreast of and I have to use the VPN, choosing an IP...
  18. gothic

    New Build

    To give them their correct names they are thingumabob and whatchamacallit
  19. gothic

    New Build

    I'm gonna stay with my new case, far easier to keep clean