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  1. and7barton

    That Would Hurt

    I'm sure you are right, and yet I have this hankering to try ......….
  2. and7barton

    George Chakiris in Extra Extra

    "HAVE YOU SEEN A DEAD MAN ?" - Cracks me up every time I see that. One of the best lines.
  3. and7barton

    Marriage Vows

    I imagine Nora got that part deleted from her vows. My sister did, and also kept her maiden name !
  4. and7barton

    Fulton Mackay as Foggy's replacement

    I'll check out "Mann's Best Friends". There should be a clip or two on Youtube. Might be worth getting a cheap DVD. I'd never heard of it.
  5. and7barton

    Gentle Comedies

    Yes, Not mentioned often, I thought that Heartburn Hotel was under-rated. Not anywhere near the quality of LOSW though. Nobody has mentioned "All Along the Watchtower". It only ran for two series (I think). It was definitely a "Gentle" comedy, with some romance interest in it too.
  6. and7barton

    Foggy and his house

    He appeared to change houses too during the show - The House he emerged from with his bicycle polo kit, and another time and a different house, when he built a motor bike for Compo, "The Phantom".
  7. and7barton

    Gentle Comedies

    Should we not get an episode identification (for the LOTSW episode), Then I'll attempt to find it. I have all the episodes. Finding the "Didn't Know You Cared" episodes would be unnecessary, because that location featured on almost every episode !
  8. and7barton

    Gentle Comedies

    If my memory serves me correctly, the location is in Swinton. Mort's pub was on the corner of Dunn Street and Bridge Street by the canal bridge. The pub was originally called "The Bridge". Alas all demolished, including the surrounding buildings. There's gates across the path now, and an...
  9. and7barton

    Gentle Comedies

    Plus, the great thing is that at least one location was used by both DKYC and LOTSW - by a canal.
  10. and7barton

    Marina Rumours

    .... and they both indulged in terpsichory, or something spelt very similarly.
  11. and7barton

    Where is this room?

    There's a similar situation in the Café - There's a window in the kitchen on the side that supposedly looks out into the alley, but there's no window in exterior shots in the actual alley.
  12. and7barton

    Where is this room?

    She peeps through a window that's right by the steps, then we see a door a few feet away from the window. The outside shots of the house have never featured either a window, nor a door. It's artistic licence.
  13. and7barton

    Earthy v Genteel

    I agree - Particularly in "Of Funerals and Fish", the pilot. Blamire and Compo seemed to be desperately trying to out-shout and out-funny one another. Clegg was more restrained and I think his character didn't change so drastically as the others. Later, particularly when Foggy arrived, I...
  14. and7barton

    Altered Ego's

    Arnpepper - Titanic.
  15. and7barton

    Get out of That Then - the beginning of the end?

    Were you thinking of "Til death us do part" ? - The American version was pathetic and wishy-washy.
  16. and7barton

    Video Test

    It took around one minute to sort itself out for me. I must say, that's a pretty bad continuity error. Worse than my favourite one with the hand-operated air-raid siren suddenly changing hands as Nora bursts into Compo's house.
  17. and7barton

    Fantasy LOTSW Cast

    Well, this is fantasy, so it doesn't matter if they are no longer with us. It will never happen anyway, regretfully.
  18. and7barton


    There was a nice Obit for Juliette in today's Daily Express.
  19. and7barton


    Regretfully, due to certain (so far as I know), unsubstantiated claims about Jimmy Edwards' private preferences, this is extremely unlikely ever to happen.
  20. and7barton

    Sid's Cafe

    On Google Streetview, you can actually "Enter" into the house and move around some of the rooms. At least, you could a couple of months ago. You have to "Enter" the place from the Huddersfield Road side.