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  1. and7barton

    If Clegg Died Before Compo...

    Possibly another encounter in a lift that this time would prove too much for poor Cleggy.
  2. and7barton

    Why is Big Day at Dream Acres so bad?

    Fully agree with the entire collection of comments........ The tramp character of totally unlikeable. It's an episode I have only watched a couple of times, for me, saved only by the slapstick wrecking of the house by the donkey. The same house has appeared in several other episodes, such as...
  3. and7barton

    British TV in the 1970s was such a small world!

    Brazil is, I reckon, a much neglected movie. Quite disturbing, but at the same time, very funny.
  4. and7barton

    Who's looking after the cafe? Episode

    Way back, when I was a postman, I remember the toilet paper in the post office depot had "Property of Her Majesty's government" printed on the edge of every sheet. I used to joke that we should post all the used paper back to them. I'm pretty sure it was Izal paper; most unforgiving.
  5. and7barton


    In "Happy Anniversary Gough and Jessie" - Cardew Robinson drunkenly sings "My Little Yorkshire Rose".
  6. and7barton


    In - "The Phantom No 14 Bus" - That bloke sings "Barbara Allan".
  7. and7barton

    A scary thought

    I'd prefer to just move up there with my gang of mates and wander the countryside like the old trio did. We'd make lots of witty jokes but nobody else would ever hear them. But maybe that would be a good thing ? Of course, we'd need a Marina hanging around with us.
  8. and7barton

    What Episode

    Yes ! - Was I correct ?
  9. and7barton

    What Episode

    The episode with Mouse - the bloke not getting the drinks in ? - Whose title escapes me at present. That's the pub where it all happens.
  10. and7barton

    laughter track.

    Often, the audience anticipates what's shortly going to happen....... For example, take that episode that was set in Wales, when foggy spends a few days with his platonic girlfriend....... during the episode, where Foggy is being pushed along in his wheelchair, in a loud voice he demands to see...
  11. and7barton


    I looked up the origin of this tradition, and to quote Wiki - When it was first played in front of Austrian officers, they spontaneously clapped and stamped their feet when they heard the chorus. This tradition, with quiet rhythmic clapping on the first iteration of the melody, followed by...
  12. and7barton


    Would that be the "Radetzki March" by Johann Strauss ? - If so, that's a tradition.
  13. and7barton


    Well, with all the visits they make to pubs, it could be "Tippling Point".
  14. and7barton

    Musical puns

    Looks like the BBC chose to ignore their protests !
  15. and7barton

    Which one of the Ladies

    I write left-handed but shoot either hand, play cricket and golf right-handed and use a knife and fork right-handed. the rest of me is pretty mixed-up too.
  16. and7barton


    Darn it - They didn't have any Crispy Cobs.
  17. and7barton


    I rip mine apart in a rage, just like foggy with that wedding present compo left out of the box.
  18. and7barton

    Can anyone help ? - Episode with Smiler's busted foot.

    The Smiler character was certainly grotesque ! - Stephen Lewis played him to the very edge.
  19. and7barton

    Can anyone help ? - Episode with Smiler's busted foot.

    Thanks for that info. Stephen Lewis did a good performance on this episode, I thought.
  20. and7barton

    Can anyone help ? - Episode with Smiler's busted foot.

    I'll check it out. Thanks.