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  1. and7barton

    Can anyone help ? - Episode with Smiler's busted foot.

    I'm just trying to find the hilarious episode where Smiler gets his foot injured, and people keep accidentally bumping into it. Can anyone give me the title ?
  2. and7barton

    Musical puns

    ...and just noticed another little gem tonight - on the episode "Available for Weddings", just as Clegg is getting out of Entwhistle's truck with a broken foot, there's a snatch of the theme from "Doctor Kildare", lasting less than two seconds. Later in the show, another, less subtle musical...
  3. and7barton

    Return of the Warrior

    Like the "What's in Compo's matchbox" question. It's all make-believe. Real-life logic and cause-and-effect don't apply. Personally, I've stopped worrying about it and just enjoy the comedy.
  4. and7barton

    Musical puns

    Shame he never wrote something like a symphony. That might have been interesting. One particular and lengthy tune that developed during an episode were the French horn variations during the sequences with Wesley's amphibious car. You can hear the theme gradually taking form early on, until...
  5. and7barton

    Musical puns

    I've detected the more obvious musical puns in other episodes....... quotes from "Steptoe & Son", Robin Hood, "Right said Fred" (Bernard Cribbins) etc., but I wonder now if there have been other, more subtle jokes. Maybe it's time now to listen more closely to the music.
  6. and7barton

    Musical puns

    Just noticed something - When Auntie Wainwright's lads are carrying the roll of lino out of her shop. There's a snatch of music from the Ken Dodd hit song - "Love is like a violin". I suddenly realised the last four letters of "Violin" rearranged, spell "Lino". Is this sheer coincidence, or did...
  7. and7barton


    I recall the most comical case of "Almost Corpsing" was in the early episode where Foggy was reading a newspaper in the café with a sticky bun on his plate and Compo stole the cherry off the top. Poor Peter Sallis (Clegg) was screwing his face up, trying not to burst out laughing.
  8. and7barton

    Great Graphics on This Truck

    Take a look at their great fleet of trucks on the images page -"ST+Transport"&lr=&as_qdr=all&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8pcWuncLdAhVPTcAKHQQ0CFcQ7Al6BAgEEA0&biw=1920&bih=910 All their trucks have graphics, each on a different theme. If this...
  9. and7barton

    Broken leg ?

    Just notice something amiss - I watched The Self-propelled Salad Strainer last night....... Nora was visiting someone to care for them as they had a "Broken leg". But when we see Nora tending to the woman, she's got a broken ARM. Maybe someone has noticed this before, but I couldn't find a...
  10. and7barton

    A smeg toaster!

    The word also has connotations with certain unsavoury bodily secretions. At this point I was reminded of Compo repeating back to Uncle Seymour in a posh voice - "Natural secretions".
  11. and7barton

    Found This

    It's nice to think that they could still be hanging around.
  12. and7barton

    Just noticed

    I just watched "The Miraculous Curing of Old Goff Helliwell". Marina climbed a ladder into Goff's bedroom window, showing lots of leg. That HAD to be a stunt man ! - What a let-down.
  13. and7barton

    Just noticed

    I checked those two episodes out........ I hadn't spotted that phantom hand before....... The viewer's attention is distracted to the centre of action. I spotted an anomaly some time ago in a scene where Compo is apparently sitting on the roof of a tractor that approaches the camera. He has his...
  14. and7barton

    Clegg's Memoirs

    What if someone were to write "The Memoirs of Norman clegg" ? - A book purporting to be the daily diary of Cleggy over the LOSW period ? - It could be filled with Clegg's droll and witty observations of his friends and events we've all seen on the shows. Would such a book sell ?
  15. and7barton

    Spin Offers

    I wonder how many self-proclaimed "Comedians" went into his shop and asked for "Four Candles".
  16. and7barton

    A forty-year-old error

    I remember him in a truly awful movie - Rentadick. There was another LOSW actor in that movie with him - Kenneth Cope.
  17. and7barton

    A forty-year-old error

    Just discovered that in "The Flag and further snags", I hadn't been laughing at Ronald Frazer at all - It was some bloke called Robert Lang. All this time, I've been mistaken. Was it only ME, or has anyone else made this mistake ? - I should have read the credits back in the 70's.
  18. and7barton

    I find it Odd

    A true story - I was sitting parked up in my car outside a chip shop (it was in the evening and dark). I was awaiting my wife who was buying fish and chips. Two women walked up from the shop, opened the doors and got in. The woman next to me in the front seat looked at me in horror as they...
  19. and7barton

    Why is Big Day at Dream Acres so bad?

    For me, there were a few annoying characters in that episode - That screeching woman and her roughneck husband........ Most of the other characters in the pub........ I didn't find any of them funny. Their wisecracking seemed desperate for laughs.
  20. and7barton

    Hurrah It Has the Pilot Episode

    They cut some seconds out of every episode on that iPlayer........ It seems to be to allow a sequence of pointless graphics and the BBC logo to be added at the beginning. That particular episode is the one I've mentioned before, with the anomalous bus destination board saying "Slapton Sands" -...