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  1. and7barton

    Hurrah It Has the Pilot Episode

    I'm glad I persevered and managed to collect the entire set of DVDs. I already had the entire collection of shows and I'd home-burned from various sources, and binned them one by one as the commercial discs became available. Shame they got the titles on the box index in the wrong order twice...
  2. and7barton

    Spirit of Seymour.......?

    Yes, there have been many steam-powered cars, and the odd motorcycle too, I think. The way this old Landrover has been set up looks like a traditional steam traction engine design. Pretty well all of the modern steam-powered cars use a high-tech design with flash-steam boilers running at very...
  3. and7barton

    Missing our favourite programme

    Personally, I'm still enjoying a couple of LOTSW's every day. I never got on with FOTSW.
  4. and7barton

    A Young Barry?

    Yes, it's definitely Barry.
  5. and7barton

    I See Barry Has a new Job

    Strangely, as soon as I read that article, I imagined Uncle Seymour's pained voice saying - "Oh DO come away Barry ! - I won't have the husband of my niece doing that kind of thing !" Maybe I should give my four-episodes-a-day habit a rest.
  6. and7barton

    Dumbing down of our language

    Precisely - Language is fluid and constantly evolving. The way people spoke 50 years ago is very different from today, and fifty years before that, it was very different too...... Someone from the time of Charles Dickens would still be comprehendible to us, but we'd find their style of speaking...
  7. and7barton

    Dumbing down of our language

    Well, in Punjabi, I'd say - "Aja, śabada mainū asaphala karadē hana !"
  8. and7barton

    Happy Birthday Nelly!

    Ah, yes - "Oh, Ronnnnnn" Loved the irascible Jimmy Edwards too.
  9. and7barton

    Beautiful Day at Holmfirth.

    That's Peter Sallis' grave I presume. I had no idea he'd been buried there. Is he near to Compo's grave ?
  10. and7barton

    AVIA Sign

    Wow ! - Never saw that one coming !
  11. and7barton

    self catering cottage

    I recommend "Jeff's cottage" in Town Head, Honley. It's a good central place for Holmfirth, Huddersfield, Marsden etc. I stayed there for a few days...... lovely place and within 30 yards of a filming location that's been used a few times.... if I recall, Berry Croft.
  12. and7barton

    AVIA Sign

    No longer a book shop ? - or is it a fair trade book shop ?
  13. and7barton

    AVIA Sign

    This sign appeared, I think, way back in the early days of the show, along with other junk, indicating a car repair business or something similar. I think AVIA was a brand of motor oil ? - Later, the old wooden doors were a prop that was added to the building for each filming (Rather like the...
  14. and7barton

    Happy Birthday Website

    Well done to you !
  15. and7barton

    Filming Sites/Locations

    That location is Wellhouses.
  16. and7barton

    Filming Sites/Locations

    That's the lake with the bridge between Meal Hill and Jackson Bridge. Quite a few scenes were shot on and around the bridge. Does anyone know if that location is accessible to the public ? It looks like it might be on a private estate.
  17. and7barton

    Is that a Roy Clarke cameo in Mending Stuart's Leg?

    I don't think it is....... but did Roy have ANY cameo appearances in any of the shows ?
  18. and7barton

    Phantom of the Graveyard

    Yes, there's a few discrepancies with the café........ like the window in the kitchen that's non-existent on the outside. In the real building, the counter faces the door too !
  19. and7barton

    Peter Sallis the secret is out

    A nice photo of the two graves together would be good if someone can oblige.
  20. and7barton

    We've lost Geoffrey Bayldon

    If you take a look at the wiki page about him, you'll see he had an astonishing career - a truly vast list of movies and TV.