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  1. and7barton

    Some Familiar Faces in All Gas and Gaiters

    I haven't seen that episode yet. My favourite character is J0hn Barron who plays the Dean of St. Ogg's. He takes "Steely-eyed" to new heights. Marvellous.
  2. and7barton

    Some Familiar Faces in All Gas and Gaiters

    I'm working my way through a boxed set of All Gas and Gaiters....... And was pleasantly surprised to see Joe Gladwin pop up as a taxi driver and in a later episode, Dudley Jones ("Shinyglow") as a choir-master. There may be more to come. The show is pretty good, if a little tame compared to LOSW.
  3. and7barton

    Another delay in the final DVD

    I watch an episode daily (sometimes a few), and choose them randomly, but find I tend to pretty well ignore everything that came post-Compo.
  4. and7barton

    Another delay in the final DVD

    In my own case, I already have the entire series anyway. I've obtained the episodes from various sources and burned 'em so I can watch the lot. But I've been replacing my own copies with the commercial issues as they've appeared and have been binning my own burned disks as they've been replaced.
  5. and7barton

    Another delay in the final DVD

    Just received this message from Amazon - Unfortunately, the release date for the item(s) listed below was changed by the supplier, and we need to provide you with a new estimated delivery date based on the new release date: "Last of the Summer Wine 31 &32 [DVD] [2015]" Estimated arrival...
  6. and7barton

    All Mod Conned - A question.

    I don't think the destination was ever mentioned. They never usually ventured too far afield. I guess the Welsh visit was the furthest ?
  7. and7barton

    All Mod Conned - A question.

    There's a slight similarity in the landscape, in that there's water on both sides of the road at Spurn Head, and Slapton Sands, But at the latter location, the road is quite short and you can see the far end of it. Spurn Head of course, stretches into the infinite distance which is what you see...
  8. and7barton

    All Mod Conned - A question.

    I have just watched "All Mod Conned". If you recall, that's the episode where the trio trudge along an endless road to discover their holiday cottage is an old wrecked caravan. I'd always assumed that the location for this episode was Spurn Head on the Humber Estuary. But interestingly, the...
  9. and7barton

    Lapsley and Josie's Father

    The character Lapsley in "The Waist Land", and Josie's father in "Going to Gordon's Wedding" - Were they both played by the same actor ?
  10. and7barton

    Man's Work.

    and7bartonActive Member New ↑ I cook a mid day meal from scratch almost daily and try to vary it as much as possible.:42::thumbsup: Click to expand... Two eggs a week ? - HEAVENS ! - I eat around 2 per day without fail and have done since time immemorial. I did a quick mental calculation and it...
  11. and7barton

    Clothiers Arms Netherthong Pub - 40 years later

    Just watched "The Flag and its Snags" - At the start, the trio are up a hill. In the background in several shots is what looks like the same pub that featured in "A Quiet Drink". It's way down below the hill, a mile away or so. Can anyone confirm that ?
  12. and7barton

    Clothiers Arms Netherthong Pub - 40 years later

    I thought it was the Clothier's Arms in station Road, Stocksmoor.
  13. and7barton

    John gorman in LOSW ?

    Just been watching one of my least favourite LOSW episodes - "A Quiet Drink". I noticed, in the pub, sitting with a group of men having a drink, someone who looks a dead ringer for John Gorman - I'm talking about John Gorman, the poet and musician, ex Scaffold. Can anyone confirm this ?
  14. and7barton

    I Didn't Know You Cared revisited

    Trouble is, I can imitate a Yorkshire accent fairly well after watching LOTSW all my life........ I find I'm now making comments like Uncle Mort does, in HIS accent without making a conscious effort. This is not good news as I'm a Londoner.
  15. and7barton

    I Didn't Know You Cared revisited

    I'm just watching the entire set of "I Didn't Know You Cared" again....... only for the 2nd time. The first viewing of it must have been over fifteen years ago. I wasn't too keen the first time around, but upon the re-viewing I've warmed to it. Surprising how many actors in this show also...
  16. and7barton

    If the Dads Army movie is a success?

    A perfect Sid I've always maintained that actor John Henshaw would make an excellent Sid. I've often thought that Nick Frost would make a great Sid.
  17. and7barton

    Summerwine,and sport.

    Seymour playing cricket with Clegg and Compo.
  18. and7barton

    Characters you would have liked to see more of.

    I loved the character in Deviations with Davenport ....... Jack Smethurst.
  19. and7barton

    Seymour's Design for a garage, or maybe Wesley's ?

    I spotted it a few years ago - From the decrepit look of it, it's been there for years. It's in the yard of Birks funeral Directors, on the Woodhead Road on the LH side, a good way before the turn-off for Ivy's cottage (Co-op Lane, Dobbs Lane and Spring Lane), just a minute out of the town...
  20. and7barton

    Seymour's Design for a garage, or maybe Wesley's ?

    Has anybody besides me spotted the block of garages in Holmfirth that could only have been designed by Seymour or Wesley ? - It's a block of four or five garages with up-and-over doors, with another block of identical garages ON TOP of them. No ramp or any way of driving a car into the upper...