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  1. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Howard: We’re free human beings! Wesley: Don’t be stupid, we’re MARRIED!
  2. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    DON’T encourage him!
  3. Andrew D

    Watching Summer Wine With Dad.

    My loving parents, who are in their 70's now, sometimes say the nice thing about losing your memory is you get to wake up with someone new every day!
  4. Andrew D

    Name Some Episode #15

    "He's worse than our Derrick!!" in The Suit That Turned Left :)
  5. Andrew D

    Name Some Episode #15

    I would think that Nellie's husband Travis would be a most likely candidate! Bloke's always on the phone with her, in the garden, feeding glasses and such to the dog, etc....
  6. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Don’t ASK me, ASK this great dollop!
  7. Andrew D

    A Sign in a Local Pub

    True, Adanor, I've always thought that the dogs must find it most unfair, that they aren't invited to the picnic and yet every ant and creepie-crawlie shows up unannounced and uninvited anyway! I imagine they are beginning to wonder why they even bother to follow the rules....
  8. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    His family’s always been Devout NATIONAL ASSISTANCE....
  9. Andrew D

    Name Some Episodes #14

    Oh, jeez...can't remember the title but in which Howard and Marina are pretending to be part of Gypsy Rose and they're dressed as Native American Indians sending smoke signals.....
  10. Andrew D

    Thought of Howard...

    Dang...I thought I told those reporters to respect my privacy....
  11. Andrew D

    Ordeal by Trousers

    Jeez, these days, why would one want to??? :18:
  12. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Karate CHOP?? Tha’ looks more like a lamb CHOP!
  13. Andrew D

    A Sign in a Local Pub

    We had one in the teachers' lounge that said "Unattended children will be given five double-espressos and a free non-housetrained puppy"....
  14. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    NEAR-Terminal Matrimony
  15. Andrew D


    ....maybe that's the REAL reason the cat was screaming...?
  16. Andrew D

    A Sign in a Local Pub

    Not bad...although I teach elementary music, so something like "Whistle While You Work" might be a better fit.... :08::18:
  17. Andrew D

    A Sign in a Local Pub

    Oooh....I'm a teacher; wonder if I could get away with posting that in the school cafeteria??
  18. Andrew D

    Howards cat.

    Ground vs Floor? Ask Howard; he spend enough time in both! :)
  19. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    HEY up! It’s First Aid from HELL!
  20. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Billy CHISELHURST, hear thee!! I CHALLENGE thee to a duel!!!