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  1. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Don’t you think you’re getting a bit OLD for attractive?
  2. Andrew D

    T shirts...

    Funny you should say that...I always wished there had been a tunneling episode as a blatant salute to The Great Escape....just like they did in 'Allo 'Allo ("The Great UnEscape") I always pictured Howard and Marina finally breaking into daylight, covered with dirt, screamingly proclaiming their...
  3. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    IGNORE him; he’s just being accurate.
  4. Andrew D

    OK! Now I KNOW the end of the world is nigh!

    I can imagine a GREAT exchange with the trio regarding the cancellation of a beer event....actually put Sid in there with them for the conversation and it'd be a classic!
  5. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    ‘Til you’ve been in the JUNGLE you don’t know what wildlife is!
  6. Andrew D

    Happy Birthday, Juliet Kaplan!

    Oh, by heck, that's quite a shopping list that's already amassed here!
  7. Andrew D

    Another Drone Picture

    Oh, aye, definitely! The desert definitely has its own beauty. But it's also a far more dangerous place, not just with the extreme heat, but the plantlife (almost everything growing is like a pincushion) and the wildlife (rattlesnakes, scorpions, killer/Africanized bees) I grew up in New...
  8. Andrew D

    Happy Birthday, Juliet Kaplan!

    The original Pearl is a youngish-yet-fierce 78 today. Someone needs to remind Howard to go purchase another dinosaur for her! :18:
  9. Andrew D

    Another Drone Picture

    Stunning!! Nothing like the desert here. Absolutely beautiful!
  10. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    I am the mysterious Mr. X behind the global conspiracy! I demand to be incarcerated!
  11. Andrew D

    Happy Birthday Alvin!!

    Our Brian Murphy turns 85 today! Apathy Birthday to you! :)
  12. Andrew D

    Dad Has Alzheimers

    I am so, so sorry...I have some experience with this as well, and how gut-wrenching it is to know the person you love is gone, and yet their body lingers in torment.
  13. Andrew D

    Learning the business.

    If looks could kill, that one would've wiped out an entire neighborhood....
  14. Andrew D

    Howards cat.

    To be fair, many long-running shows can be found to have discontinuities if one looks close enough. It's not a phenomenon invented by Roy. Case in point, I've been on a Red Green Show thing lately, and one of the characters, Winston, who runs the local "Sewage and Septic Sucking Services" has...
  15. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    It’s NOT me birthday!!!
  16. Andrew D

    Peter Sallis' Grave as of 18 September 2017

    Oh, but that's pretty; thank you!
  17. Andrew D

    Happy Birthday Hobbo!

    Our Russ Abbot, the hitman from Primrose Dairies, turns 70 today! Many Happy Returns! :18:
  18. Andrew D

    Name some Episodes #12

    Alright, Me2 wins... :36:
  19. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Your father’s a sort of OILY color.
  20. Andrew D

    Name some Episodes #12

    Seems to me that Sid said it to the trio in "From Wellies to Wet Suit" when he first surfaced in the river wearing it, sputtering and cursing.