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  1. Andrew D

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome aboard Louise! :)
  2. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Foggy: He came within inches of a severe BEATING. Clegg: Yeah! Ours!
  3. Andrew D

    Learning the business.

    Oh, that was a great scene for any husband.... Ironically, my ex saw the same scene and couldn't figure out why Crusher was giving her such a hard time and seriously did not realize how much of a tyrant the wife was being.
  4. Andrew D

    Happy Birthday Terry.

    Hey, many happy returns! :)
  5. Andrew D

    Name Some Episodes #11

    The Suit that Turned Left
  6. Andrew D

    Name Some Episodes #11

    The Second Stag of Doggie Wilkinson :)
  7. Andrew D

    Name Some Episodes #11

    Would Passing the Earring count? Caught him with her earring, but not HER, technically....
  8. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    The last time there were forty people out here, it was the VIKINGS!
  9. Andrew D


    You've heard of the Shot Heard 'Round the World? She must be the Shout Heard 'Round the World.
  10. Andrew D

    Name some Episodes #10

    Dang, that's a tougher one....I was with Dick in thinking of the same one...seems like either she was COLLECTING it or Wally was the one paying (Cafe, etc).
  11. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    This ISN’T a man; IT’S a husband!
  12. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    How could you ACCUSE Smiler of being happy??
  13. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Pass me something sharper, like your TONGUE!
  14. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    I never realized how INSANITY can be set to music!
  15. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    He’s a RIGHT pillock!!
  16. Andrew D

    All Mod Conned.

    Not only that, but he even once promised to deliver her...GIFT WRAPPED...if only he'd clean up his place a bit....
  17. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Does he really EAT EARWIGS??
  18. Andrew D

    Not Really Howard

    Yep, for Howard it wasn't a case of being glad of the prospect of Cleggy leaving, it was just his sense of justice. Clegg: "Help!!! I'm being held prisoner!!" Howard: "NOW you know how it FEELS! I hope we can expect more sympathy and understanding from now on." (as close as I can recall from...
  19. Andrew D

    Names Some Episodes #9

    Hmmm....well, with Marina they're often skirts which are extremely short, I think. In fact, sometimes her skirts were so short that if they'd been any shorter, they'd have been belts....
  20. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    VERRRRRY unscrutible, these men from Hull....