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  1. Andrew D

    Names Some Episodes #9

    The Art of the Shorts Story :)
  2. Andrew D

    Hade Edge

    Oh, by heck but that's great stuff!! Thanks for posting!
  3. Andrew D

    Fun Quiz Question #3

    Thank you! :)
  4. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Clegg: LE crikey, as the French might say. Compo: LE chuffin’ ‘eck!!
  5. Andrew D

    Fun Quiz Question #3

    Oh, wait....a deadly cough, innit??? :)
  6. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Don’t ENCOURAGE him!
  7. Andrew D

    old pictures and advertising slogans

    "How do they get fish just the right size for this batter??" (Compo in their visit to Wales in Season 3)
  8. Andrew D

    Fun Quiz Question #3

    Cheap cars, was it? That or too many consonants....
  9. Andrew D

    Fun Quiz Question #1

    Okay, I'm trying to figure out, is "Enter the Warrior" also known as "Return of the Warrior"?
  10. Andrew D

    Fun Quiz Question #1

    I seem to recall the insurance man needing his tire changed in "Keeping Britain Tidy" mentioned repeatedly having an involvement of improper virtue with a customer there, wasn't it?
  11. Andrew D

    Name Some Episodes #8

    I know the original trio almost drowned while filming "Ballad for Wind Instruments and Canoe"
  12. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    How can you say that about a former LINO salesman??
  13. Andrew D

    Name Some Episodes #8

    Set the People Free :)
  14. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    ‘EY up, ELI!
  15. Andrew D

    Name Some Episodes #8

    The Treasure of the Deep ("I've just sunk Howard and Marina!!")
  16. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    (Compo dressed as Indian chief) Me, Little GAPING Fly!
  17. Andrew D

    Is that a Roy Clarke cameo in Mending Stuart's Leg?

    Well heck, I'd like to think that if I was going to be murdered, I'd appreciate SOMETHING for the trouble.... :08:
  18. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    WISE Man of the WOODS (in honor of Hywel Bennett)
  19. Andrew D

    Sad News from Rod Tickner (Barmpot)

    Sincerest condolences, so very sorry....
  20. Andrew D

    Name Some Episodes #7

    That was from "The First Human Being to Ride a Hill." They were going there for a bicycle, then reconsidered and got Compo's old squeaker.