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  1. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

  2. Andrew D

    Wally has some very good advice for Compo..

    Oh, love it! One of my favorite early episodes!!!!
  3. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Well, that’s very AGE-OF-AQUARIUS….
  4. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    How come you’re not off in Argentina with the rest of the SS?
  5. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Alvin: It’s miles from any water!! Auntie Wainwright: That’s what NOAH said!
  6. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    You can’t LEAVE me like this!!!
  7. Andrew D

    Cheering up Gordon

  8. Andrew D

    Cheering up Gordon

    That was a rough day for you, wasn't it Dick? :21:
  9. Andrew D

    Cheering up Gordon

    OOOOH, that's a great one, thanks for the reminder of that gem!
  10. Andrew D

    Need assistance with Final Season (gift for Ken Kitson!)

    Not that I can find, no. Ken and Tony each have appeared without the other, but Louis has only appeared with Ken as far as I can tell. EDIT: I just modified my post with the complete compilation to show the grand totals of all 3 PCs, as well as to include the final season based on Pearl's...
  11. Andrew D

    Need assistance with Final Season (gift for Ken Kitson!)

    Oh, definitely! I especially love watching Louis Emerick's facial reactions of shock upon seeing the roof of the car while Ken unknowingly rabbits on about how good a job they're doing :) Guess I'm a bit surprised they didn't appear more often before that, given Roy Clarke's police background...
  12. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    DON’T ask me, ask this great DOLLOP!!
  13. Andrew D

    Need assistance with Final Season (gift for Ken Kitson!)

    Well, here's how I compiled it; think it matches your list, Pearl, other than the final season which I will see one day (but based on your post I included it as Ken and Louis in all 6). I found it interesting to see the dramatic increase in appearances after Compo passed on. It is color-coded as...
  14. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    She (the former Mrs. Truelove) was eXceptionally talented at being nasty on the telephone.
  15. Andrew D

    Need assistance with Final Season (gift for Ken Kitson!)

    Aw, heck, you mean I've done all that work when all I had to do was to ask you, Pearl??? Jeeeez!!!! :02::21:
  16. Andrew D

    Need assistance with Final Season (gift for Ken Kitson!)

    Wow, I didn't see IMDB.... Well, I'm at 82, with Getting Sam Home being the first appearance, and having no idea about the final 6 episodes; so, if he appears in all 6, then 88 would be correct, unless he appeared before Getting Sam Home. I'll post the numbers eventually.... Incidentally, I was...
  17. Andrew D

    Need assistance with Final Season (gift for Ken Kitson!)

    I need someone's help in correcting a wrong. If you've ever looked up Ken Kitson on Wikipedia, you'll find the following statement: "He is perhaps most notable for his recurring appearances as a policeman in Last of the Summer Wine, appearing in 26 episodes of the programmes between December...
  18. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    When I said 'Let’s go for a QUICK drink,' I didn’t mean that QUICK!!
  19. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Know what I LIKE about this? Very LITTLE!
  20. Andrew D

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    You great, long JESSIE….