Search results

  1. RickAns

    Summerwine folk and Animals

    Digby had a donkey. Think that may have been one Adanor referenced. Tanget; @Roger - Great profile pic of Norah and Compo!
  2. RickAns

    Red Dwarf

    Please keep up posted as we get closer to show time.
  3. RickAns

    Gentle Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    I remember watching that show, captain. Liked it.
  4. RickAns

    Poor Wesley or is it

    Collecting parts money for his vehicles. :)
  5. RickAns

    Still There

    That is the episode where they set out to swim at the abandoned pool, right? A bit on the sad side. I bet it was a hot spot for fun escaping the heat in the summer time. I remember as a kid going to our local pool a lot. We even went to a few huge ones which had what seemed like hundreds of...
  6. RickAns

    Gentle Festive Comedies

    Hiyas @Barrychuckle , since you are seeking some Christmas themed shows have you checked on 'The Yesterday Machine' youtube channel lately? They have recently posted a bunch of British shows, specials and commercials with a Christmas theme...
  7. RickAns

    Gentle Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    Thanks, codfanglers, I had forgotten about those two. Although she could be overbearing at times I do like Stephen's character. Thinking on it now he reminds me a little of Howard (of LotSW) and Richard (of Keeping up Appearances). The show did well on bringing in interesting characters to...
  8. RickAns

    Time Capsules #2

    A miniature replica dinosaur.
  9. RickAns

    The possibility of a new episode

    Interesting idea, wstol. Not sure what to think on it just yet. Sometimes newer shows just lose the flavor of the intended original. I do think at times it might be nice if the cast from First of the Summer Wine would be able to reprise their roles now that they are older. That could just be...
  10. RickAns

    Episode 5 When Advent was a load of Flannel

    Glad to see you are still writing more episodes, @Moggie Moo . :)
  11. RickAns

    So That's What Happened to Foggy's Mattress

    Amazingly sad, left right out in the open like that. I disagree with doing such things, but at least be decent enough to roll it into a ravine where it cannot be seen in passing. :fp: Might be a good spot for the authorities to put a 'trail cam' to catch the miscreants dumping trash.
  12. RickAns

    Where's Howard?

    Wow, from the Canary Islands to Antigua.
  13. RickAns

    For Gordon Wharmby fans

    Sean Bean. Just teasing. :29:
  14. RickAns

    Christmas Themed Specials

    Mr. Clarke was, after all, a founding member of CRUMS (Christmas Resistance Underground Movement). :D On a tangent. I knew there was a reason had I liked the name Roy Clarke when I started watching LotSW, Keeping Up Appearances ages ago. Growing up I really enjoyed watching the highly...
  15. RickAns

    Just found this....

    You beat me to it Barry! I just saw the video in my suggestions this morning and was about to post on it. Guess that means I should visit this site more often. :) Some really amazing drone work on this one. Gives one a chance to see around familiar buildings to where certain sidewalks wind...
  16. RickAns

    Gentle Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    Barry, I agree there are some episodes that are not as great as others but I try not to let them detract from the series as a whole. Personally, I wanted to see Lionel and Jean back together again as a couple. To me that seemed to be the start of the premise of the show. When they both tried...
  17. RickAns

    How many of the Ladies

    I'm not sure if you mean the main core group of ladies or just ladies in the show. I can think of a few occasions at the moment. 1) In the episode where Compo buys a card or something. Compo has his wet suit and swim fins on from Sid. Compo reaches into his wet suit to pay the cashier lady...
  18. RickAns

    Gentle Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    In a similar vein to 'As Time Goes By' there is also 'A Fine Romance'. With Dame Judi Dench and her real life husband Micheal Williams. Not quite as on par as ATGB but still enjoyable.
  19. RickAns

    Gentle Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    Wow, Thanks on that Bruce. Great work that man! (in my best Foggy impersonation)
  20. RickAns

    Gentle Comedies

    Great minds think alike, Barry! I feel May to December is like a pleasant blend of As Time Goes By and Fresh Fields. Was tempted to say so last night but was getting late and kept things short Time after Time - I really liked. Similar theme to Going Straight but seems to 'work better' - no...