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  1. Dennisbn514

    Last episodes

    Check Wikipedia Wesley...Check Last of the Summer Wine in Wikipedia. They have a relatively detailed list of all the characters and episodes. There is also sub-category that lists each episode in the series and provides notes with things of interest in the episodes. Below is the link to Series...
  2. Dennisbn514

    Whatever happened to the real Breaking News!

    It raises my blood pressure so much that I can't watch it. My feeling exactly when i try to watch or listen to NPR/PBS, Bill Moyers, MSNBC, etc. I guess we agree to disagree.
  3. Dennisbn514

    Whatever happened to the real Breaking News!

    United States - "Public Broadcasting" You criticize Fox News, yet Public Broadcasting, NPR, Moyers & Company and all the so called "news" programs you mention are decidedly left/socialist leaning and are hardly balanced. And the unfortunate thing about them is they are financed, in part, by...
  4. Dennisbn514

    Just testing.

    looks good I checked your profile albums. I think you will be giving Terry a run for his money. They are all very nice.
  5. Dennisbn514

    Just testing.

    It worked! .....not sure what you are testing Pearl, but the picture worked!
  6. Dennisbn514

    Happy Birthday goodiesguy

    Happy Birthday!!
  7. Dennisbn514

    Police Cars in Holmfirth

    Not a chance Cooper & Walsh would want no part of it........too much paperwork. They probably have their grill fired up.
  8. Dennisbn514

    The Chatbox

    Much Faster I think Tony deserves another "atta boy" for finding and changing the chat function. The whole site seems faster when loading now.
  9. Dennisbn514

    Thread Order

    Go To User CP I was having the same problem and it was driving me crazy. I tried the "Display Mode" button, but it would always revert back to the old method the next time I used it. The solution i found was in "User CP". See if this makes sense. At the top of the screen, click on: *User...
  10. Dennisbn514

    Can I Afford Hi-Fi

    Good listening choices Chuck.
  11. Dennisbn514

    New Members Don't Forget

    Terry put me in the middle of a golf course..........which amazingly, is pretty accurate!
  12. Dennisbn514

    Clean Windows

    What a great view to wake up to every day. Gorgeous setting.
  13. Dennisbn514


    Very impressive Terry, it is amazing that you could get them to do the fly-over for the start-up of the new forum! Seriously, those young pilots have lots of talent and skill.
  14. Dennisbn514


    ...the avatar is what shows up on the postings
  15. Dennisbn514


    There is an "Edit Profile Picture" and "Edit Avatar" in the User CP section. It appears that you have done the picture, but not the avatar.
  16. Dennisbn514

    Latest Posts.

    answer my own question Never mind, I found this in the "FAQ": Replying to a Post On some boards you might be able to post and reply as a guest user. But most communities require registration. As a registered user you can go to a forum on a board where you have permission to view threads...
  17. Dennisbn514

    Latest Posts.

    What is the difference between the "Post Reply" and the "Quick Reply"? Why are there 2 seems redundant.
  18. Dennisbn514


    Tony, our administrator, said that Nora's picture is the default avatar if you don't have one saved or chosen. To add the avatar, you need to go to "User CP" at the top of the screen and do it there.
  19. Dennisbn514

    New Home

    I think Tony fixed the problem most of us were having with the default setting of the thread postings. Like anything new and/or different, it takes a while to break it in and get familiar with it.:13: