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  1. Blue summer

    Series 9, Episode 3; Dried Dates and Codfanglers

    I actually watched this one, whilst having my tea tonight, it's also one of my favourites. "Don't fight it lass, don't fight it", always gets me that bit, classic episode. G ; )
  2. Blue summer

    Bit of help needed.

    Oh good heavens, i've probably had well over a hundred bikes over the last 40-odd years Chuffer, all makes and sizes. At the moment, i have a 2008 Triumph Thruxton 900, i bought it second-hand from a guy in Ripon in 2009, way up in the badlands of Yorkshire. lol. I had just sold a Ducati Monster...
  3. Blue summer

    Warmest early series episode?

    I remember the summer of '76 very well, i was 22 and got married that February. It went from early March, to the end of October, although i never got any "Dried dates" thrown at me. Regarding the post, "A merry heatwave" looked quite hot, that was possibly also filmed in 1976? G ; )
  4. Blue summer

    Bit of help needed.

    Cheers Chuffer, funnily enough, that is the one episode i'm not very keen on, no wonder i couldn't find it, don't watch that one very often. Thanks again mate. George ; )
  5. Blue summer

    Bit of help needed.

    I've been trying to find the episode on the Seymore era DVD's (9/10-11/12), where the trio are playing an impromptu game, the locals are watching Seymore bowling to Clegg. I've watch all of the episodes and i'm beginning to think i've a box set missing, please say this isn't so! Anybody know...
  6. Blue summer

    First of the Summer Wine series 2 DVD - COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Got my copy on Wednesday as well. Must say the intro editing is a bit suspect, no opening credits, just goes straight to the opening scene, other than that, they are fine. G ; )
  7. Blue summer

    Reflections on Series 6

    I suppose in the case of the "early" version of Clegg, where he doesn't show the fear of females, that we have come to associate him with, i assume that Roy Clarke was still settling the characters into their respective roles maybe? There are a few things that crop up throughout the years of...
  8. Blue summer

    Summer Wine Birthdays

    Sarah Jane Thomas Born 5 June 1952 (age 59) London, England. 1986 to 2010 - Last of the Summer Wine - Glenda Wilkinson. G ; )
  9. Blue summer


    Ahem, Mae'n ddrwg gennyf? G ; )
  10. Blue summer

    Do Yorks people actually say 'Bog off'?

    Well i'm from Lancashire originaly, i was 33 years old when i moved to North Wales. The part of Lancs that i'm from, was not that far from the Yorkshire border. I lived in Rossendale and it was quite common (sic) to hear people say "Bog off". Only last week, i mentioned to one of my Welsh...
  11. Blue summer

    Worst Episode

    Personaly, i never really clicked with the final series, too much emphasis on Pearl chucking Howard out and Hobbo and his crew trying to get him back with her. In fact, i never really enjoyed most of the Hobbo episodes, i think he would have been better as a "one off" guest, like Bobby Ball and...
  12. Blue summer

    Series 21 & 22 DVD - Very Interesting

    Re: Series 21 & 22 DVD - Very Interesting I get all of my summer wine DVD's from, i've never had any problems...except for one or two of the discs that come loose in the box. I have to be careful when opening it, as the disc can fall out, rather annoying really. G ; )
  13. Blue summer


    No matter when i look at the webcam (which isn't very often) it always seems the same, nothing at all happening! G ; )
  14. Blue summer

    Jonathan Linsley

    It was a canoe that he had in the car, for his passion of "White water". I'm pretty sure he was the second incarnation of "Chunky Livesey", when he questions Nora in the cinema (first of the summer wine), can't remember the episode, but he had certainly lost a lot of weight in it. I found this...
  15. Blue summer

    computer woes

    The old dog of a tower system that i have in the living room, i built in 2009 and apart from the odd crash now`n then, it's fairly bullet-proof i suppose. I do know enough about computers (pc's), to keep her in decent working condition, although the Mac Pro that i bought for the studio 18 months...
  16. Blue summer


    I've been a member of Facebook since 2008 and i find if you use it for what it is, a way of keeping in touch with friends and family members, who may live overseas for instance, then it can be a useful thing. Friends and distant cousins, who i lost contact with 20 or 30 years ago, have found me...
  17. Blue summer

    Favourite music

    Any of my vinyl collection that i really liked, i transferred to the Mac with a USB deck i bought a few years ago and then burned them to CD, i even managed to get the cover art off the net and with a bit of fiddling in Photoshop, they look quite professional. G ; )
  18. Blue summer

    The Numpties at the BBC are now complaining

    As well as SW box sets, i also have the Rising Damp and Dads Army sets. They are all ok in their own way and i'll probably be adding the Carry on box set to the collection soon, i tend to buy what i fancy really. I also enjoy Poirot and the Sherlock Holmes programmes, although they have been...
  19. Blue summer

    First of the Summer Wine series 2 DVD - COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got the first series a while back off, where i get all my summer wine DVD's. Typical that they are now bringing the complete two series out, my daughter has back-ordered series two for me, i'm sure she'll be most impressed...not! @ jrt2345: Could i correct the sticky bun jobbie you...
  20. Blue summer

    Favourite music

    Interesting thread, gives an insight into what other things the various members like, besides our mutual love of Summer Wine. I just turned 58 in April and probably for the last fifteen years, i've been mostly into ambient Drum`n Bass, although i also like Underworld, Faithless, Chemical...