Search results

  1. Blue summer

    Billy Hardcastle

    I think i remember Clegg mentioning about Billy being made redundant, having worked in the spares department of a Volvo dealership. I thought he was brilliant, from the first time he appeared, i though he was well cast as another barmpot, shame he left to join Coronation street. G ; )
  2. Blue summer

    'By eck that clears the cataarh'

    Back on topic (ish). Did anyone alse notice how many cups of tea the trio bought over the years...that they never got to drink, due to them being chased out of the cafe by Ivy? One that did wind me up a bit was Howards "I don't know what you mean love". Another couple i found a bit cringy...
  3. Blue summer

    'By eck that clears the cataarh'

    ****: I don't think anyone has answered this question by **** yet, so: "Norman Clegg that was"...i have always taken it to mean that Norman was a love interest to Marina but not in the same way that Howard was. So i would think that it means "Norman Clegg that was...(of interest to Marina)"...
  4. Blue summer

    Series 7, Episode 3; The Waist Land

    That is where i've seen him before! I knew he had been in some comedy show or other but i was thinking along the lines of the Les Dawson show or similar, didn't twig it until you posted it CW. Yep, he was the father of the bride......!!, now where have i heard that before? G ; )
  5. Blue summer

    More funny lines

    All Mod Conned. Foggy: "What are you doing in there?". Compo: "I live here you twit". G ; )
  6. Blue summer


    I had to have my 10 year old Staffie bull terrier "Jackson" put to sleep on the 9th December. He had started to have fits and was becoming more aggressive with other dogs. The vet felt that he was probably suffering from a brain tumour, which was putting pressure on his brain, so ifelt that the...
  7. Blue summer

    Speculation on Bobby Ball

    I also was quite sad when Billy left to do Corrie but life goes on i suppose. I'm not really convinced that Bobby or anyone else could have saved the programme, the writing was on the wall at the BBC. Long before the end was announced, Summer wine had come very close to being axed quite a few...
  8. Blue summer

    What Episode 118

    Who's looking after the cafe then? G ; )
  9. Blue summer

    Just saw the episode "Ballad For Wind Instruments & Canoe"...

    Re: Just saw the episode "Ballad For Wind Instruments & Canoe"... I must admit, i also find most of the Blamire era some of the best episodes. I was 19 years old when summer wine started but it would be another ten years before i started taking a real interest in the programme. I had seen a few...
  10. Blue summer

    Holmfirth Protest in Yorkshire Post

    Same here in Bangor, although i live in a small village in between Bangor and Caernarfon, they are 4 miles either way from me. Within a two mile area of Bangor we have: Morrisons, Marks & Spencer Tesco Iceland (High Street) Lidl (High Street) Waitrose Six supermarkets and two are on the high...
  11. Blue summer

    Favourite Christmas/New Year Specials

    "A small tune on a penny Wassail" and probably "Whoops", although i'm quite fond of "All mod conned" as well. I can remember in the 70's, seeing the bit with Compo dancing on the roof of the caravan, although that's the only part i had ever seen of it, up until i bought the DVD set with it on...
  12. Blue summer

    Next DVD Sets

    I got this e-mail from on: 13 October 2011. "Dear Customer, We are pleased to inform you that 'Last Of The Summer Wine: Series 21 & 22 (4 Discs)' is now available to order. Click on the link below to pre-order now...
  13. Blue summer

    What Episode 100

    Northern flying circus? G ; )
  14. Blue summer

    Merry Christmas Wino's

    A belated Happy Christmas to all wino's, i've been out all day...burp (pardon), so this is the first chance i've had to log into the forum, hic..(pardon..again). Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year folks. Or as we say in this neck of the woods: Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Pobol. G ; )
  15. Blue summer

    What Goodies did you all get

    I got a new pair of German para boots off my youngest daughter, my old pair finaly gave up after 14 years!! I also got some smelly-nice stuff off the eldest daughter, which says everything doesn't it?! I got the usual choccies, biccies and assorted edibles, plus i bottle of Jamesons Irish...
  16. Blue summer

    What Episode 92

    Enter the Phantom? G ; )
  17. Blue summer

    My LOTSW Autograph Collection

    Sorry to hear of your health problems George, although as you get older, these things crop up now and then, as i've also found out over the last few years or so. The collection is looking good mate, well done. I have a few bit's`n pieces but no-where near as much as all yours, although i have...
  18. Blue summer

    Pearls New Website

    Just had a browse around her site, looks very nice and some info i wasn't aware of, concerning her life. Be interesting to see how it matures over time. G ; )
  19. Blue summer

    What Episode 85

    The thing in Wesley's shed? G ; )
  20. Blue summer

    What Episode 83

    A Merry heatwave? G ; )