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  1. Blue summer

    What Episode 83

    The flag and it's snag? G ; )
  2. Blue summer

    What Episode 83

    Getting on Sidneys wire? G ; )
  3. Blue summer

    What Episode 83

    Earnshaw strikes again? G ; )
  4. Blue summer

    Who's that on the bus

    The still is frome between 1973 - 75, Blamire left in 1975, so it could well be a young Gordon! G ; )
  5. Blue summer

    series 23 & 24

    Re: series 23 & 24 I've ordered 21 & 22, Due for release on 30 January. I've also ordered series 23 & 24. G ; )
  6. Blue summer

    Hello all!

    Welcome back mate, glad you are on the mend. Take care Rob. G ; )
  7. Blue summer

    what episode competition

    Cheers Dick. The way it works for me, is that sometimes i'll see the episode pic and think, yep i know that one, other times i won't have the foggiest (pun) idea what it is. It's only when the full pic is revealed that i'm sure quite a few of us go "aww, i knew that one", i certainly do. G ; )
  8. Blue summer

    What Episode 79

    I'm sure it's "Have you got a light mate?"....mate. G ; )
  9. Blue summer

    What Episode 79

    Have you got a light mate? G ; )
  10. Blue summer

    What Episode 78

    Who's that dancing with Nora Batty? G ; )
  11. Blue summer

    What Episode 75

    The Bandit from Stoke on trent? G ; )
  12. Blue summer

    what episode competition

    George seems to get quite a few of the answers right but i don't think he over-does it really.....although i could be lying, hee hee! I think it's more a case of wanting to get the answers right before anyone else, it's just being competetive that's all, i've had my fair share of right answers...
  13. Blue summer

    What Episode 72

    Oh shut up and eat your ice cream? G ; )
  14. Blue summer

    What Episode 70

    Uncle of the bride? G ; )
  15. Blue summer

    What Episode 63

    The Experiment? G ; )
  16. Blue summer

    Annoying Guest Stars

    Ronald Lacey also appeared in an episode of Sherlock Holmes in 1987 "The sign of four" as twins: Thadeus and Bartholomew Sholto. A very accomplished actor, i quite like him: (thanks for the link to the above site George, very informative)...
  17. Blue summer

    Making a name for oneself.

    Good thread George, mi owd When Stephen Lewis was brought in as Smiler (or Clem Hemimgway in the earlier episode), i was a bit dissapointed that he brought the mannerisms of Blakey with him. I think had he been a bit different in that respect, it could have worked better, although we...
  18. Blue summer

    What Episode 57

    The Changing face of rural Blamire? G ; )
  19. Blue summer

    Can you recall the first episode you watched

    The first episode i ever saw was "Greenfingers", i can remember "Le Giant Carrot". I watched Summer wine sporadically throughout the late 70's, i only started watching it full time when i bought a VHS recorder in 1984, the first episode i recorded was "Getting Sam home", it was a repeat from...
  20. Blue summer

    What Episode 49

    or....The Incredible Ordeal of Norman Clegg? G ; )