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  1. N

    Box set

    I will still believe it when I see it. As they don`t have the proper artwork or information for this listing (the runtime is listed as 165 minutes) it doesn`t look too promising. Especially as this should be released in only 2 months time.
  2. N

    The last great episode of the show?

    Recently I have been watching quite a few of the later episodes of the show (some enjoyable, others less so). and it got me thinking about what the last truly great, corker of an episode was. If someone were to pin me down now then I would probably say Just a Small Funeral but I`m sure others...
  3. N

    Two Part Episodes

    Andrew Vine`s book makes it clear that Roy Clarke was seemingly aware that Series 31 was the end and he tried to write it accordingly. I think Roy Clarke has also been quoted as saying that he intentionally wrote a quiet ending with the final episode.
  4. N

    Compo's sandwich

    I do wish that people hadn`t brought up the whole `door step/door stop sandwich` thing in this thread. The debate over which one should be used and in what region of the U.K. could bring this forum to its knees. :)
  5. N

    Plotting - A chink in Roy Clarke`s armour?

    I agree that sometimes having slower episodes or `busy doing nothing` episodes suited the show well. Maybe there were too many of them as the show went on though and too many similar episodes. I had forgotten until this thread as well though that on Keeping Up Appearances they had to bring in a...
  6. N

    Two Part Episodes

    What a genius idea for a thread! I don`t know where you get your ideas from... :16: I agree it`s a shame that there were no more two parters after the early series. My feeling, and I could be completely wrong, is that Roy Clarke stopped stretching himself at a certain point (perhaps when Brian...
  7. N

    Plotting - A chink in Roy Clarke`s armour?

    I should state straight away that I am a huge fan of Roy Clarke`s writing. Not just on Summer Wine but also Keeping Up Appearances and Open All Hours (and I intend to seek out several of his other shows in the near future). However, would it be unfair to say that sometimes the plots for his...
  8. N

    A Thought - A Fresh Viewpoint

    This is an interesting idea for a thread. I think it is easier to simply talk about how each era of the show would be viewed if it were a brand new show and nothing had come before it and nothing were known of the circumstances that went into making it. I would say firstly that the problem to...
  9. N

    Re-used ideas in the show?

    I re-watched Behind Every Bush There is Not Necessarily a Howard yesterday and one moment seemed very familiar: Hobbo`s request in the library, "What have you got on untraceable poisons?" is a straight copy of Foggy`s, "Have you anything on silent killing?" Foggy`s line is funnier though...
  10. N

    All That Glitters Is Not Elvis - Cringe worthy moments?

    But that wasn`t an argument. I made the point that the use of the word `Japs` was acceptable then but wouldn`t be now. Obviously now people would use the word Japanese but any current day sitcom would be unlikely to include a man who had fought in the war so the context would probably be different.
  11. N

    All That Glitters Is Not Elvis - Cringe worthy moments?

    There hasn`t been an argument about "Japs".
  12. N

    All That Glitters Is Not Elvis - Cringe worthy moments?

    It`s all about opinions though isn`t it. Surely the lifeblood of any message board is conflicting opinions about a show and what worked and what didn`t. The introduction of Hobbo might not have worked for the show but I don`t think LOTSW was in the rudest of health before that anyway. I think...
  13. N

    All That Glitters Is Not Elvis - Cringe worthy moments?

    I`m glad if you enjoyed the joke Marianna. But I would honestly be flabbergasted if Roy Clarke was thinking about the British television audience in 2005 getting a reference like that. If he was, then he was 100 years out of date rather than the 10 or 15 that I originally thought. ;)
  14. N

    All That Glitters Is Not Elvis - Cringe worthy moments?

    The general public maybe? ;) . The difference is context. But it`s all about opinions of course. Not sure a 20 year old sitcom about pensioners is the place to look for new jokes but there we are. :-[ It`s all about different values for different people isn`t it and I`m not saying there is...
  15. N

    All That Glitters Is Not Elvis - Cringe worthy moments?

    Ah, the reason I mentioned this is because it obviously has the irony of a man hating xenophobia also despising the Dutch. Not exactly earth shattering but a progression from simple, `I don`t like Germans` jokes from an earlier era.
  16. N

    All That Glitters Is Not Elvis - Cringe worthy moments?

    No problem Dick. I may be misunderstanding you but I`m not sure how these comments are similar to the Michael Caine line that I mentioned and you quoted. Personally, being from Wales, I have enjoyed some of the jokes about the Welsh from the classic episodes. If there were any made in the 2000s...
  17. N

    All That Glitters Is Not Elvis - Cringe worthy moments?

    There`s 295 episodes Dick, you`ll have to remind me. ;D
  18. N

    I just realized....

    I know exactly what you mean Codfanglers. My mum reminds me quite a bit of some of these ladies and also of Hyacinth Bucket who is cut from the same cloth. In fact, sometimes my brothers and I address letters to Mrs. Bucket when sending her something in the mail which she always fails to see...
  19. N

    All That Glitters Is Not Elvis - Cringe worthy moments?

    These board is all about people having different opinions and I`m glad if somebody enjoyed that episode. I don`t think many younger comedy fans would be offended by the Tommy Cooper style jokes at all. They would just think they were older than all of Summer Wine`s cast combined. :wink: I...
  20. N

    All That Glitters Is Not Elvis - Cringe worthy moments?

    You can be noisy all you like. :wink: I am from North Wales in the U.K.