Thanks for mentioning this line as I had wondered a few days ago about which episode Benedict Wong had appeared in. I watched this again today for the first time in ages and think this is a cracking episode. The line that you mentioned was very cleverly done and worked well getting a big laugh...
I can see what you are saying and certainly these auxiliary characters could have served a purpose if they had been used well (which they sometimes were over the years of course).
But in Merry Entwistle, for example, you have 19 regular characters appearing!?! Now, to me, that is far too many...
Personally I`ve never been a big fan of these characters and think they actually were detrimental to the show as it went on.
To give an example, today I watched Merry Entwistle and Jackson Day (stupid considering the time of year I know) and, typically for a later episode, Barry and Glenda...
That may well be true, sad if it is, but I meant more that LOTSW had become behind the times in terms of comedy and what modern audiences want to see.
One of the reasons I made the original post really is that, as a big fan of the show, when I watch some of the later series I hope to see...
This was exactly my point though.
I completely understand that the episodes that were made several decades ago will feature things that we wouldn`t say today. For example, in several old Foggy episodes he talks about the `Japs` in a way that we couldn`t do in a mainstream show today and the...
For what reason?
Another example I would give would be when Peter Sallis refers to Entwistle and actually `slants` his eyes with his fingers. This didn`t offend me but the person I was watching the episode with did comment that, `You are not allowed to do that anymore!` which is probably true.
I watched All That Glitters Is Not Elvis again the other day and, while the episode itself is passable enough, there was one moment that had me cringing with embarrassment.
Barry is in trouble with his boss and Glenda responds with words to the effect of, `Never mind Barry, if you were in...
I would guess that Ivy and Nora hated Marina simply for her being a `husband stealer`.
Would they accept me? I`m not sure they would accept anyone including each other really. :smile:
Thanks for making this post and it gives food for thought. It`s certainly interesting to think about the possibility of the policemen being included more. They are definitely two of my favourite characters from the later series. I think LOTSW though is one of those shows where Louis Emerick`s...
I think that list also shows that the policy of hiring actors changed a lot from the show`s inception. Roy Clarke has commented that when the show began he didn`t want the cast to be too old and he wanted there to be some life left in them. From the 1990s onwards however this had certainly...
Coincidentally the other day I was thinking about this same subject...
Unfortunately I think the very fact that we are discussing it kind of confirms that the BBC made the right decision in ending the show. Most shows struggle to cope with the loss of one actor/character so it is a testament to...
I agree that any series with this level of longevity was certain to have some similarities along the way but also Roy Clarke`s style of writing contributed as well. For example, in Keeping Up Appearances (which obviously had a much shorter run) there is still a tendency to use plots which run...
I think Cleggy certainly changed a lot over the years and from episode to episode (I may be wrong about this as I`m sure I don`t know all of the episodes as well as some of you guys do).
For example, in the earlier series he is very whimsical and comes out with some great ponderings on the...
This is my first post here so apologies if this subject has been raised many times.
I was watching Who Made a Bit of a Splash in Wales Then? and noticed for the first time that Edie`s style of driving in later episodes was very much modeled on Clegg`s driving here. It is also apparent how...
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