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  1. dick

    Joe Gladwin

    Why do you think I chose him for my avatar. He touched my inner psyche more than Cleggy !:eyesroll::rolling:
  2. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Realised that VICARS have more fun than you'd think! :08:
  3. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Theres one in UPPERTHONG !:fp:
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    REGGIE Unsworth !;)
  5. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    QUEENIE and Babs showgirls!:08:
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    jokes bad or otherwise.

    My mate accidentally glued his Autobiography to his fingers. Thats his story and he's sticking to it !:confused2::eyesroll:
  7. dick

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    what do you do when balloons get sick ??.........................Helium !:08:
  8. dick

    Last of the Summer Wine: 30 Years of Laughs - Channel 5

    I watched it as a recording this teatime on Sunday! As I used to watch it on most Sundays ! I enjoyed except for the adverts.
  9. dick

    Ask a Stupid Question

    No comment Terry??Didn't I explain enough ??
  10. dick

    Ask a Stupid Question

    It might have been Wesley when the chaps were pushing the wheelie bin along the road.THE SPACE ACE (Ithink)
  11. dick

    Single Cast Members and Suitable Partners #6

    Dorothy Lamour ?(with a peg in her teeth ?)
  12. dick

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Where do bad rainbows go ??.......................Prism !:08:
  13. dick

    Single Cast Members and Suitable Partners #4

    She always dreamt of him, ERROL FLYNN?
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    Single Cast Members and Suitable Partners #4

  15. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    This is Mavis, she's LOST a LIONEL ! :42::eyesroll:
  16. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    What did you fight fir him in the JUNGLE for??...........He wont even give us a lift!!:eyesroll:
  17. dick

    Single Cast Members and Suitable Partners #3

    Would Victor Meldrew's wife have got along with Blamire ?:confused2:
  18. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Louis EMERICK !;)
  19. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    You were in love with DEREK DOBSON ??:20: No yer DAFT buttock !.................His sister DOREEN !:fp:
  20. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    I'm getting ZERO affection from both Pearl and Marina!:frown2: