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  1. dick

    Single Cast Members and Suitable Partners #1

    I've obviously mixed her up with someone else , but who ?? The one I was thinking of was definitely a tall thin woman. I will enter a plea of old age and possible insanity !:13:
  2. dick

    Single Cast Members and Suitable Partners #1

    Was n't Hylda Baker's sidekick called Noella ??:confused2:
  3. dick

    Storm Eunice

    VALERIE LEON (Who's that Merry man with Billy ?) Has apparently escaped death from a falling tree due to Storm Eunice !:39:
  4. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    I thought ,blow the eXpense I'll take her for a meal somewhere .,Only one problem , what about Marina??:confused2:
  5. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    THERE are gypsies aT THE boTTom of our garden :fp::08:
  6. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Having a QUIET moment, just catching a passing thought !:22::42:
  7. dick

    It pays to complain... if you like crisps.

    I once long ago got a £40 voucher from KP NUTS,. I was munching away on a pack when something hard surprised me. I sent away to KP and made a complaint.They asked for the pack and the offending "nut" . They sent it to their lab for tests . It appeared that I had chomped on a bone from "a...
  8. dick

    It pays to complain... if you like crisps.

    The other side of the coin is the people who take out a bag from a multi-pack and leave the others on the local ASDA has a crisp stealer so everyone now checks to make sure the multi pack has not been opened. :20:
  9. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    You'll NEVER get into my house NEVER !!:mad:
  10. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    JUST showin' off if I did it now Norm ??:08:
  11. dick

    Who was it

    FOGGY ?..........................THE MOST POWERFUL EYEBALLS IN WEST YORKS??:confused2:
  12. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    No IVY ! Not the bowl !!:13:
  13. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    The only pests we get in HERE are customers !:mad:
  14. dick

    jokes bad or otherwise.

  15. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    FORGET everything !:mad: Just serve the customers !!:20:
  16. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    It say's it on the truck ! :22: What? ................... ELECTRICAL ? :eyesroll:
  17. dick

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I accidentally splashed ketchup into my eyes.. I now have 20/20 Heinz vision .:08::eyesroll:
  18. dick

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    How to tell the difference between a Weasel and a Stoat ?? Ones weasely recognised , the other 's stoatily different !:fp:
  19. dick

    Who Said

    DOWNHILL RACER ...................Cleggy?
  20. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    I dont think I can stand any more of this eXcitement !:fp::eyesroll: