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  1. dick


    Does that one count where Foggy climbs the inspection ladder looking for "my chaps" and finishes up rolling down the yard and ends up clinging by his fingers on another bus ??:geek2::eyesroll::fp:
  2. dick

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    What do snowmen have for breakfast?? ICE krispies !:fp:
  3. dick

    Howards excuses

    Then there was ""jogging by night !":08:
  4. dick

    Lol or cringe moments

    Another funny moment is when Cleggy faces down Aunty and doesn't buy ! She walks away muttering about her powers failing. Norman turns to Compo and says he feels rotten now ! Aunty says as quick as a flash "How rotten !? Cleggy walks away with a door nob "Under a £!":08:
  5. dick

    Lol or cringe moments

    I sometimes use on of Norah's when my daughter comes to pick me up in her cabriolet "" Its got no lid on !"" :eek2:
  6. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Leaving HOME forever !o_O or till teatime!:08:
  7. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Put these on Clappers van please ERNIE :42::eyesroll:
  8. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    You're getting very laX my girl!:mad: Men need to be driven !!:20::eyesroll:
  9. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Still WATERS run deep:42: Still maybe but thats stagnant ! :eyesroll::geek2:
  10. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Listen Norm, is THERE something you want TO TELL a close friend ?? :fp::confused2:
  11. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Pegden RESIDENCE ! Lady of the house speaking !:42:
  12. dick

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    It's going to be a cold winter. Just seen a load of pigs wearing blankets !:eyesroll::eek2:
  13. dick

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    After all's said and done, thats when my mate offers to help his wife !:fp:
  14. dick

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I was going to take up fishing , but I knew there'd be a catch !:08:
  15. dick

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I couldn't find any soup in the supermarket. They were out of "stock"!:08:
  16. dick

    Jumbled #5

    Small tune on a penny wassail??
  17. dick

    Sid's cafe & Meatballs

    With clips ??:confused2::39:
  18. dick

    Continuity Episodes

    The COMPO is jealous of Smiler lodging with Norah might fit that idea ! It became boring and repetitive after a while ! :eek2:
  19. dick

    Jumbled #3

  20. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    I enjoyed working for KING George :geek2: