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  1. dick

    Holmfirth Five-Oh

    Voted for Wally . My avatar hero !:08:
  2. dick

    Jumbled #2

    There were quite a few of "He who casts no shadow, Walking giant , etc :confused2:Even they wanted him to marry the chiefs daughter !":confused2:
  3. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    JUST because you're ugly and repulsive !:20::geek2:
  4. dick

    Jumbled #2

  5. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    I've GIVEN me knees for Norah !:eek2::frown2:
  6. dick

    Jumbled #1

    Airiel mendicants /.........all I could think of for a while was "Flying Nuns":eyesroll:
  7. dick

    Jumbled #1

    JAWS???:confused2: (waste disposal ?)
  8. dick

    Jumbled #1

    Possible Seymour episode (brain fog obscuring the title):confused2:
  9. dick

    1973 TO 2020.........shops......[or lack of]

    2 chippies I dont think we've had. The one at the end of SPLASH IN WALES . The other one Norah is inside and this car runs up the pavement (Title escapes me:fp:) .
  10. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    ELECTRIC ENTWHISTLE ! :eyesroll:
  11. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Its not ALWAYS me !:39: Its AN echo...echo...echo !:fp::eyesroll:
  12. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    A piece of old WASHING line ! o_O I beg your pardon ,new WASHING LINE !:eyesroll:
  13. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    I'm your TOP gear sort of person, more into TORQUE forces !:42:
  14. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    SIDENEY'S mending hiS mixer!;)
  15. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Nearly QUARTER to? Cant you be more precise than that ??:fp:
  16. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    What was she like this woman??:20: ORRIBLE!!:confused2:
  17. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    You're just INCHES away from a bad experience :mad:
  18. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    We'll be HITTING each other with padded sticks :13:
  19. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Billy CHISELHURST !!:20::eyesroll:
  20. dick

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Do you know he ate three BREAKFASTS??o_O:42: