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  1. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Just opened my Electric bill and my Water bill at the same time. I was completely shocked.
  2. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Patient: Doctor, doctor. I've come out in spots like cherries on a cake. Doctor: Ah, you must have analogy.
  3. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I went down the local supermarket, I said "I want to make a complaint, this vinegar's got lumps in it", he said "Those are pickled onions".
  4. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Fed up with my poor attempts at DIY, my wife used to say "Duct tape doesn't fix everything you know!" Then she says "mmfff nnmmm nnnmm fffmmm mmmm!"
  5. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    A man and his blonde girlfriend were sitting in a pub watching the Tour-de France on TV. The blonde shook her head and asked, "Why do they do that?" "Do what?" asked the man. "Go on them bikes for miles, up and down the hills, round the bends. Day after day, week after week. No matter if...
  6. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Anyone saying "Love is more important than money" have clearly never tried paying off a loanshark with a hug.
  7. George

    Happy birthday George

    Thank you so much everyone for your birthday wishes. I've had a great day thanks to my lovely wife Adrienne. I hope this isn't my last birthday,but if it is it's been a good one, xx
  8. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    It's going to be awkward if Mr and Mrs Burr ever lose their son Tim in a forest.
  9. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Do you know what makes me cross? Lollipop ladies
  10. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    A coach driver is driving with a bus load of OAPs when he is tapped on his shoulder by a little old lady. She offers him a handful of peanuts, which he gratefully munches up. After about 15 minutes, she taps him on his shoulder again and she hands him another handful of peanuts. When she is...
  11. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I was working in Asda when a customer with a loaf of bread in his hand asked me, "Excuse me, could somebody cut this in slices for me?" Apparently, saying "Your wife" can get you sacked.
  12. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I'm sick of being the guy everyone comes to when they want the money I owe them.
  13. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    When it came to getting even with my local bus company, I pulled out all the stops
  14. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I went downstairs this morning and there was a letter on the mat saying "To The Occupier". So I forwarded it to Russia.
  15. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Went to the barbers today and asked to have my hair cut like Tom Cruise the barber gave me a cushion to sit on.
  16. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I sure the wife doesn't like me. When I was having a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.
  17. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I went to the doctors today and said, "My leg keeps talking to me and asking me to lend it money." The doctor replied, "I think your leg is broke."
  18. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I went to the doctor today and said, "Every time I close my eyes I see pink striped tigers." "Have you seen a psychiatrist?" he asked. "No," I replied, "just pink striped tigers."
  19. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Most of my relatives are police marksmen, apart from my grandad who was a bank robber. He died surrounded by his family
  20. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    If you're always organising things, you have OCD. If you're always eating things, you have OBCD.