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  1. George

    April 2014 Ask George

    I think it would be Compo.My wife says I get away with murder because of my cheek,so i think I'd fit into the character.
  2. George

    April 2014 Ask George

    Hiya Darren,hope you're okay mate Not counting the 3 main characters,I think I would have to pick Wally.Such a wonderful character brilliantly played by Joe Gladwin.He always made me smile.....brilliant.
  3. George

    April 2014 Ask George

    Yes I have emphysema.When I was in hospital in January the consultant I saw was talking about the possibility of a lung transplant.I see him on Monday.Maybe I'll find out more.
  4. George

    April 2014 Ask George

    I hope not Dick.I rarely go out but I have a couple of hospital visits in the next few days so we'll see.Hope you're coping okay
  5. George

    April 2014 Ask George

    Good question I'm actually a very shy person so I think it's just a mask I hide behind. I wish I was like Compo but I'm more like Cleggy Thank you for the question
  6. George

    April 2014 Ask George

    I don't know about changing actors,but I think there were some characters who seemed superfluous and didn't need to be there,Nelly,Morton and Toby spring to mind .
  7. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Some bloke just did an April Fools prank on me. Jokes on him though, as April Fools Day isn't until May this year. My wife told me this morning.
  8. George

    April 2014 Ask George

    Somebody rich and with working lungs. Seriously though,as long as my wife stayed the same person (Adrienne),anybody.
  9. George

    April 2014 Ask George

    Yes I was hooked right from the beginning. My favouryte moment is the scene in the barn from 'Inventor of the 40 foot ferret' Compo "If I had a match I could light me fag......if I had a fag"
  10. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    "A sharp decline in the number of mating owls has been blamed on the exceptionally wet winter " I guess it's too wet to woo.
  11. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Someone recently asked me, "What blood type are you?".. I said , "The red runny type".
  12. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    My boss has been hard at work all day. I slipped a Viagra in his coffee first thing this morning.
  13. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Why does Mo Farah spend hours and hours training every day? To save time in the long run.
  14. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I had a Star Wars marathon last night. I switched on the telly, and The Phantom Menace was on. So I went for a 26-mile run instead.
  15. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Two blokes in the pub are argueing about who's the biggest liar. One says to the other, "I went over the Niagara Falls in a wheelbarrow last week." The other says, "I know, I saw you."
  16. George

    Happy Birthday Babs

    Happy birthday Babs
  17. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    My mate was working at a Royal Mail sorting office when a huge rack holding boxes of stamps collapsed and fell on him. He was philately injured.
  18. George

    March 2014 Ask Terry

    Do you believe in ghosts?
  19. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    My mate said to the doctor, "I'm worried as whenever I go to visit my mother she gets my name wrong." He looked up at him sympathetically and asked, "Is it Alzheimer's?" He looked back at him in disgust and replied, "No, It's Steve."
  20. George

    Happy Birthday andymacp

    Happy Birthday